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How to host a visiting international scholar?


J-1 Exchange Visiting Scholar or Professor: CIIP encourages a Xavier University faculty or staff member to host a visiting international scholar.  This scholar will be under the U.S. J-1 Exchange Visitor status. There are a number of J-1 categories, and the most common ones that CIIP administers are the J-1 Scholar or Professor. The J-1 Scholar’s primary purpose is to conduct research, observe, or consult in connection with a research project at Xavier, while the J-1 Professor’s primary purpose is to teach, lecture, observe, or consult at Xavier.  But the J-1 Scholar can teach or lecture, and the J-1 Professor can conduct research also. 

The goal of the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchanges, hence the word “Exchange Visitor Program.”  Interested Xavier faculty or staff should first talk to his or her program/office chair or director to make sure that the office or program can assign an office/lab space for the visiting faculty.  After the program chair agrees, the faculty gets the divisional chair and the respective Dean or Vice President’s approval.

While these conversations are ongoing, the Xavier personnel can also communicate with CIIP so that CIIP can provide further guidance on the procedure, forms, and visa preparations for the prospective J-1 Visiting Scholar/Professor.

To process Form DS-2019, a federally controlled document that is the crucial paperwork for the Exchange Visitor to apply for his or her visa, CIIP needs the following documentation from the requesting Xavier faculty, staff, or program, either in an electronic format or hard copies.

  1. Xavier-request-for-DS2019-Form (fillable pdf).
  2. The photo page of the Exchange Visitor and family members (J-2 Dependent, if they plan to come with the J-1 Exchange Visitor
  3. An invitation or appointment letter issued by either the Office of Human Resources or the Office of Academic Affairs
  4. Evidence of financial support for the Exchange Visitor. If Xavier bears the cost of financial support, then the invitation or appointment letter will generally stipulate this; if the Exchange Visitor’s home country government or own institution covers his or her living expenses in the U.S., the Exchange Visitor needs to provide the financial support letter or certificate. 

In any case, personal or family funds can NOT be more than 50% of the minimum required funding to cover the Exchange Visitor’s stay in the U.S.  The current Xavier minimum funding requirement is $1,750.00 per month for an Exchange Visitor, and each additional family member (who is a J-2 Dependent) needs to have at least another $500. 


Maximum Duration of Program Participation: The J-1 Exchange Visitor can remain for up to 5 years to complete a particular program objective.  Form DS-2019 can be extended during this 5 years maximum duration period, provided that the extension is validated before Form DS-2019 expires.  



Scholar Forms

Click on any of the following documents to download.