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Important COVID-19 notice 

Visit the university’s COVID-19 updates and resource page at xula.edu/coronavirus-update for updates. Please remember to stay safe but always connected.

The U.S. Department of Education Recent Announcements: Important News for all Financial Aid Recipients 

  • The U.S. Department of Education has issued an official announcement regarding how it will address the impact of COVID-19.

Accepting the Federal Direct Plus Loan

In order to accept the PLUS Loan on Banner Web, your parent must complete the “Apply for a PLUS Loan” application, which is a credit-based loan, at .  If approved, the parent must also complete the PLUS Master Promissory Note at www.studentaid.gov.  Both you and your parent will need an FSA ID and password to complete the Entrance Counseling and/or Master Promissory Note. You must apply for an FSA ID at www.fsaid.ed.gov. (Note: This is the same FSA ID you used to sign your FAFSA application). In addition, you and your parent must complete the Parent Plus Authorization Letter that will be emailed to the parent’s email account associated with the FSA ID. In order for the loan to be accepted, the approved parent must complete the XULA Certification Form: Within three (3) business days after the Direct PLUS loan has been approved, the XULA Financial Aid Office will send XULA certification form to the parent’s email address that was provided on the FAFSA.

How to Apply For a Parent Plus Loan 

Federal Direct Plus Loans Fact/Frequently Asked Questions