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好色先生TV Title IV code to be used on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is 002032.

Yes. You are required to apply for financial aid every year if you want to be considered for federal or state aid which includes grants, loans, and work-study.

If you have applied for federal or state aid, the Office of Financial Aid will create a package specifically for your family and notify you by email with instructions on how to view your offer notification online.

Since your financial situation can change from year to year; your offer may be affected. Your package will be evaluated annually to account for changes in income, family status, satisfactory academic progress, and enrollment status. Special circumstances may arise during the time you are in attendance. Some circumstances may be taken into account through a request for Professional Judgment Review by the parent or student. Forms may be downloaded from our web page. Please complete the necessary documents and submit them to the office as needed.

NOTE: The institutional scholarship you receive from the university will be renewed according to the provisions specified in your contract provided you maintain satisfactory academic progress.

There is no income cutoff because income by itself is not the only consideration. We consider the entire household income, family size, and number in college, medical expenses, and other information to help us give you the best package possible.

Because many factors make each family's financial situation unique, we cannot make our judgments on income alone.

Yes. If you are receiving any kind of financial aid from the university, private sources, or government sources; you must report the scholarship to the financial aid office.

The university may adjust your financial aid package as needed to prevent an over offer. In most cases, outside scholarships are used to replace loans instead of grants.

Yes, if you withdraw from Xavier University or change the number of credit hours for which you are enrolled, your eligibility could change. You should contact your financial aid counselor in the office to discuss how it may affect your eligibility for financial aid.

If you enroll less than full-time, your cost of education will be recalculated using actual reduced tuition costs. Your family contribution will not be revised, as you are expected to contribute the same amount regardless of your enrollment status.

Your eligibility for aid will be reduced in proportion to the reduced tuition or other charges that result from less than full-time study. You must be enrolled in at least a half-time status to be eligible for financial aid assistance.

You and your family are obligated to notify our office if you have a change in your family circumstances that is likely to affect your expected family contribution. These changes include a decrease/increase in income, a decrease/increase in the number of family members in the household or supported by parents or a decrease/increase in the number of family members attending college.

It is important to keep a copy of your completed financial aid applications as a record of what was reported. Other changes such as a loss or reduction of family income also may constitute a reason to ask us to re-evaluate an earlier offer. This process requires families to submit in writing a specific explanation of their situation, including an itemization of any reduction in income. Contact your Financial Aid Counselor for further instructions.

The two offices have separate administrative functions. The Financial Aid Office determines eligibility for grants, scholarships, loans, work-study and other financial aid and college financing programs. The Fiscal Office is responsible for all billing and collecting of applicable charges and issuing student refunds for all student accounts.


Verification is the audit process of reviewing and determining a student's eligibility for Title IV assistance. The verification process determines the accuracy of the information a student and/or parent reports on his/her FAFSA.

The U.S. Department of Education determines whether or not a student is selected for the audit process called verification. Students are selected based on the information that is reported on the FAFSA application.

Students are sent notifications from the U.S. Department of Education via their processed FAFSA application which is called a Student Aid Report (SAR). The information is displayed in the comment section. The Financial Aid Office notifies students via their Xavier E-MAIL informing them of the verification process. Students are informed to check their Banner Web account for "Student Requirements" where the required documents are listed.

The only acceptable document is the IRS TAX RETURN TRANSCRIPT which needs to be requested from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

To obtain an IRS Tax Return Transcript, go to . Under Tools click Get a tax transcript, or call 1-800-908-9946.

This form is required to collect student information, student's family information, income information for student and/or parent, as well as taxed and untaxed income.

The verification process is based in the timeframe in which a student submits his or her requested documents. However, during peak of processing, (June, July and August) the verification process may take from 1 to 2 weeks to verify a student's document(s).


The starting wage for students offered federal Work Study at Xavier is $12.00 an hour.

Federal Work-Study students are paid twice a month. 

Maximum work hours allowed during enrollment periods 20hrs/week.

No, we also offer Off Campus Work-Study where students work in a variety of schools located within the community.


All institutional and outside scholarships are processed, not offered, in Financial Aid. Institutional scholarships for incoming freshmen are offered in the Office of Admissions and the various academic departments. Institutional scholarships for continuing students are offered by the Office of Academic Affairs and the various departments.

Scholarships are posted according to the instructions provided by the offering organization. If a scholarship comes in for the academic year, it will be posted for that year (evenly between the two semesters). If a scholarship is intended for only one semester, the scholarship organization must include that information when sending the check to the school.

Yes, if a scholarship is awarded to you, it is to assist with paying your educational expenses. It must be submitted to the school and posted along with all other financial resources received.

Outside scholarships will post when the funds are received from the donor. If you are expecting a scholarship that is not posted to your award, please be sure that it has been sent to the University already and then contact the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships.

Scholarships must be posted along with federal aid in compliance with federal aid guidelines. To avoid an over-award of aid over a students' cost of attendance, loans are reduced when scholarships are posted.

External scholarships should be mailed to the following address:
1 Drexel Drive Box # 121
New Orleans, La  70125

When awarding scholarship funds please include in the memo, the student’s full name and Xavier ID number, if available.

We process a large number of external scholarships. Please allow 5-7 business days, once we have received your scholarship funds, for processing and posting to your financial aid offer. 

It is our policy that all external scholarship awards are split evenly between the Fall and Spring semesters of the academic year in which it is received unless otherwise stated in a letter or memo accompanying the scholarship check.

If expecting external scholarships, students should notify us by submitting an award letter to the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships.  Award letters should come from the scholarship organization and include the student's name and the amount of the award. With the letter on file, we can add the expected award to the student’s financial aid award.

If a student does not attend Xavier, any unused portion of the scholarship is returned to the organization unless otherwise stated by the organization.


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the evaluation of student's academic history in order to determine eligibility for Federal Student Aid (FSA) funds. Students must make satisfactory academic progress in an eligible curriculum as degree-seeking students. The student's entire academic history is reviewed for this process regardless if the student received aid for the course work or credit hours attempted, regardless if the work transfers into Xavier or towards a change of major, or regardless to how long ago the courses were attempted at Xavier or another school.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is to ensure students are able to complete their academic program in a timely manner while achieving a minimum academic standard. In an age of increasing accountability of the use of Federal Student Aid funds (and other Federal, State, and Institutional funds), institutions and students must demonstrate that financial aid funds are being used to assist students in completing their academic goals in the most efficient way.

When a student does not meet SAP that student cannot receive any type of Federal Student Aid, including Federal grants, Federal Direct Loans, or Federal work-study. The student may, however, apply for Private Loans through a lender of his/her choice, which does not require SAP. Private Loans differ from Federal Direct Loans in that the lender will check the student's credit history and may require a co-signer.