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HDCon HDCon 

 HDCon HDCon 

The Health Disparities Conference participants includes clinicians (pharmacists, physicians, nurses, physician assistants, and allied health professionals), health policy makers, researchers, health educators, public and community health leaders, and students whose work incorporates the use of multidisciplinary partnerships to build collaborations that eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity. The 17th Conference took place in April 2024, with the theme: Social Detriments to Health: Reaching Equity – Let’s Talk Solutions

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An free, introductory level symposium with the goal of building knowledge around community-engaged research for  the community, and investigators and scholars at all LA CaTS Center member institutions. Participants learned how the practice of Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) can be an effective tool to make a real impact in advancing health equity. 

鈥淭he Future of Health Speaks: Health Innovation 鈥 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly鈥 - Inaugural interdisciplinary, student-led symposium with graduate level research presentations and panel discussions on health innovation

"Future of Health鈥

The annual Health Disparities Conference participants includres clinicians (pharmacists, physicians, nurses, physician assistants, and allied health professionals), health policy makers, researchers, health educators, public and community health leaders, and students whose work incorporates the use of multidisciplinary partnerships to build collaborations that eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity. The 14th recent Annual Conference took place in April 2021, with the theme: .


Community Roundtable Discussion on Mental Health

  • Virtual Healthy Cooking Classes:
  • Coping with COVID-19:
  • Mental Health & The Black Church:
  • Responding to Mental Illness:
  • Caregiving:
  • Stigma Associated With Mental Health:
  • Child & Adolescent Mental Health:
  • Frontliner Mental Health Forum:
  • Community's Forum on Health & Wellness:
  • The Health Equity Corner:

According to alarming statistics that surfaced in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, people of color have been disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus in terms of death rates. African Americans account for more than 50% of all Louisiana’s COVID-19 deaths. The mission of the Health Equity Task Force is to do research that will result in improved health outcomes and equity in Louisiana. Stay tuned for updates and upcoming efforts to address COVID-19 through the Center.
Read the full article here:

Connect with us on Twitter @xulacmhdre to receive updates on what the Task Force is doing!      

Health Equity Corner


Interview with Pharmacy Resident, Dr. Keeyan Davis: The Role of a Pharmacist During COVID-19

Take a look into the experiences of LA-CEAL Community Partner and Director of Adventist Community Services Center, Ms. Irene Williams as she discusses her role within the community. As we continue to move forward to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, we value voices like those of Ms. Williams.