CMHDRE has partnered with community members and organizations to create a space for local experts to share their experiences with the pandemic, and their expertise on improving health and wellness within communities of color. These included a community forum through Zoom and WBOK 1230 radio station, a roundtable discussion on mental health, a mental health forum for frontline healthcare workers, and a number of broadcasts in Spanish on wellness during the pandemic for the Latino community. We partnered with the Xavier University Center for Equity, Justice, and the Human Spirit to provide a series of “Truth Exposed” panel discussions on the intersection of COVID-19 and various social health-related topics. Topics included: environmental justice, mental health, education, and families, amongst others.
The Truth Exposed
Community Health and Wellness Forums
This series of community forums provided a platform for dialogue with the community, health professionals, and experienced experts to highlight community concerns and to collectivize the voice of the Black community, and to get community direction to influence services and policies improving the health and wellness of African Americans.
- Community's Forum on Health & Wellness:听
- Coping with COVID-19:
- Mental Health & The Black Church:
- Responding to Mental Illness:
- Caregiving:
- Stigma Associated With Mental Health:
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health:
- Frontliner Mental Health Forum:
Latino Education Initiatives
CMHDRE partnered with community organizations serving the Latino community to provide a series of educational events in Spanish on how to improve mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health during the pandemic
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Engaging the Community
United Fellowship Church hosted a Covid 19 Vaccination Event for their community in New Orleans East.

Dr. Chris Gillard, COP Faculty speaks about COVID-19 safety at community-led “Walk Run Bike Event” at Faith Full Gospel Baptist Church

Faith Presbyterian Church hosted a Back to School Event and Vaccination Drive for their community of Harvey, LA.

Pharmacy Residents attended Pure Light Baptist Church’s Back to School – VAX Fest to provide education about vaccinations and answer community questions