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University Testing Center

Welcome to Xavier University Testing Center


Our mission is to provide examination services to students that determine placement for college credit courses. We also provide preparation courses to enhance exam readiness to post and pre-graduate students that are pursuing graduate school and/or certifications.

Placement Testing

What is Placement Testing?

Placement Testing evaluates a students’ academic abilities to properly place them in courses to start their college journey at Xavier.

The exam consists of 3 subjects, Math, Reading & English.

Questions focus on a range of topics including computing with rational numbers, applying ratios and proportional reasoning, creating linear expressions and equations, graphing and applying linear equations, understanding probability and sets, and interpreting graphical displays

Passages will inquire the ability to derive meaning from a range of prose texts and to determine the meaning of words and phrases in short and extended contexts. Passages on the test cover a range of content areas (including literature and literary nonfiction, careers/ history/social studies, humanities, and science), writing modes (informative/explanatory, argument, and narrative), and complexities.

Passages on the test cover a range of content areas (including literary nonfiction, careers/history/social studies, humanities, and science), writing modes (informative/explanatory, argument, and narrative), and complexities.

 In-person: At Xavier Testing Center

Virtually: Only available for Out of State Students

Remote: Nearby Accuplacer certified testing site. To view nearby remote sites, please click . 


To review with Practice Questions, please select subjects to access materials:

Placement Testing Scores will be available post completion of the exam.

Please view Placement Grid to determine placement in courses.

  • Students are only allowed to retest twice.
  • The Testing Policy requires two weeks before completing a retest exam.
  • Retesting requires a payment of $35.00.
  • The payment can be made through

  • Log onto EAB Navigate 
  • Locate the options box on the right hand side, select Schedule an Appointment 
    • Care Unit: Other
  • Location Center for Testing Services
  • Meeting Type: Virtual (Only out-of-state students) or in-person
    • Select Date
    • Select Center for testing services (CTS)
    • Select your time preference based on availability.
  • Save Appointment
  • Once the testing center has received your appointment request, you will receive a confirmation email with exam registration information within 24 hours from when you scheduled your appointment.

Steps to completing an exam remotely at another testing site

  • Please note that you will need to contact the testing center for availability and scheduling. Additional fees may be required at other testing sites to complete an exam.
  • Review the testing sites nearby .
  • Once selected the testing center, contact placementtesting@xula.edu
  • Once you have submitted this information, you will receive a generated voucher to bring to the testing site to complete your exam.
  • Your scores will be automatically retrieved once completed.
  • If you are testing at a remote test center nearby, you are not required to schedule an appointment on EAB Navigate.  

ACT (ENGLISH) OLD SAT (WRITING) SAT (WRITING & LANGUAGE) Accuplacer (Classic Elementary Writing) Writeplacer COURSE PLACEMENT
12 OR LESS 330 OR LESS 18 OR LESS 0 2 or Less ENGL 990D
13 - 18 340 - 430 19 - 25 1-4 3-4 ENGL 1000
19 - 26 440 - 600 26 - 32 5-8 5 or more ENGL 1010
ACT MATH SCORE OLD MATH SCORE SAT MATH SCORE Accuplacer (Classic Elementary Algebra) Next Generation (Quantitave Reasoning) COURSE PLACEMENT
19 OR LESS 440 OR LESS 510 OR LESS 0-85 259 or less MATH 0990D
20 - 23 440 - 550 520 - 560 86-108 260-269 MATH 1010, 1015, 1020, 1030I, 2010
109-120 270 or more Math 1030
24 OR MORE 560 OR MORE 570 OR MORE Math 1070
ACTC OR ACTR SATCR OR SAT (CR +M) New SAT (EBRW+M) Accuplacer (Classic Reading) Next Gen Reading PLACEMENT
0-71 247 or Less RDNG 0992I 
18 OR LESS 430 (CR) OR 890 (CR+M) OR LESS 23 (Reading Test) (EBRW OR 970 or Less (EBRW+M) 72-82 248-254 RDNG 0992 OR ACCRPT
19 OR MORE 440 (CR) OR 900 (CR†+M) OR MORE 24 (Reading Test) or 980 or More (EBRW) 83-120 255 or More NO READING COURSE REQUIRED

Kaplan All Access

Xavier University is happy to announce that we have partnered with Kaplan for supporting resources to best assist students who are considering graduate school. Students can benefit from this platform by enrolling in the prep courses for FREE! We have a listing of Prep courses that will be beneficial in preparing to take your exam. The following prep courses available to register for are:

Prep Courses:

ACT- American College Test
SAT- Scholastic Assessment Test
GRE- Graduate Record Examination
GMAT-Graduate Management Admissions Test
LSAT-Law School Admissions Test
MCAT- Medical College Admissions Test
PCAT-Pharmacy College Admissions Test
OAT-Optometry Admissions Test
DAT-Dental Admissions Test
CTS- Critical Thinking Skills Course

PLEASE NOTE: If you want to enroll in an MCAT prep course, contact the PreMed office at xupremed@yahoo.com for inquiries and enrollment.


Course Modalities

·         Weekday\Weekend

·         Afternoon\Night

The instructions methods provided are:

Live Online: A live course with a listed instructor and date/time chosen.
On-Demand: Pre-recorded/ self-paced

Please note: MCAT and LSAT participants have the option of accessing materials for 12 months. All others provide 6-month access.

MCAT & LSAT will receive physical materials, other courses will be digital.

Browse instructional live online schedules at . (Select the test that you are taking, select “live online course” see schedules)

Kaplan also provides prep courses for students who are considering applying for a certification. The practice test provided are:

SIE- Securities Industry Essentials
FE-Fundamentals of Engineering Exam
FPQP-Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional
WMS- Wealth Management Specialist

Practice Exam Packages

  • Amazon Web Service
  • Cisco
  • CompTIA
  • Oracle
  • ISC2
  • Microsoft
  • Axelos

If you are interested in the prep course options, please send the following information to your Academic Advisor/Program Director and/or Department Head/Chair.

• Student's First and Last Name
• Student's Xavier E-Mail Address
• Current Shipping/Mailing Address (P.O. Boxes are not accepted)
• Program (ex., GRE, LSAT, etc.)
• Class Code (Please note: To locate the class code, please select-->exam prep title--> select "see schedule" under live online course-->select "online course details"-->scroll to the bottom of the selected course and the class code will be presented to your left-hand side)

Step 1: Identify which exam is required for admissions for professional or graduate studies that you are pursuing

Step 2: Identify the requirements for admission into the program

(Make sure to identify the institutions admissions deadlines)

Step 3:  Browse instructional live online schedules at

Step 4: Send enrollment information to your department head or advisor

Please note: You cannot enroll in more than one course, except for only the critical thinking skills course. (For ex: GRE prep & Critical Thinking Skills course). Course repeat(s) and course extension request will be up to Kaplan’s discretion

Please Note: If you need to change your original scheduled request for Live Online, please notify the testing center at placementtesting@xula.edu (This must be done prior to the course starting).


College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP is the College Level Examination Program which provides the option to earn college credits that is equivalent to course subjects.

The subject areas offered include:

  • Accounting & Business
  • Composition & Literature World Languages
  • History & Social Sciences
  • Science & Math

CLEP provides 32 examinations that are equivalent to Xavier courses.


Please Note: Student Athletes must complete CLEP examinations before the start of the semester to be eligible for competition. 

The CLEP exam will be a $95 fee completed through your MyAccount through the CLEP website. There will be a non-refundable administrative fee of $25 that you can pay through the CashNet link.


Once you have registered for the CLEP examination, you will need to schedule an appointment on EAB Navigate under the Center for Testing Services (CTS).

You will receive an email confirmation from the testing center within 24 hours starting when you schedule the appointment.

Preparation Materials are provided by the CLEP platform. Once you have added the exam to your cart, a study materials box will appear at the bottom, please select the study material provided to add for purchase.

The CLEP exam will ONLY be administered in person. NO remote option will be offered with the testing center.

Exam Scores will be available post-completion. Except: English Composition and Spanish with Writing will receive scores 2-3 weeks from the initial test date.

The passing score on CLEP examinations is 50.

A passing grade will present as “P” on transcript.

  • French Language Level 1: 50
  • Level 2 Proficiency: 59
  • German Language Level 1: 50
  • Level 2: 60
  • Spanish Language Level 1: 50
  • Level 2: 63
  • Spanish with Writing Level 1: 50
  • Level 2: 65

If you would like to retest, you MUST wait three months before retesting.

To view scores, log onto the CLEP MyAccount portal with the same account you used to register for the exam. Once logged in, go to My CLEP exam scores page to view your scores. 

Please note Xavierites: There is a maximum of 30 credit hours that will count towards your degree at Xavier University.

Students will not be able to receive CLEP credits if one or more of the following applies:

a. If you have completed the subjected course

b. If you are currently enrolled in the subjected course and/or

c. If you have failed the course.

If you have a learning or physical disability that would prevent you from taking a CLEP exam under standard conditions, please contact the testing center at placementtesting@xula.edu to request accommodations.

Please note: You must receive approval for accommodations from the test center before test administration.


To complete the required CLEP payment, please click

a. Log onto EAB Navigate

b. Locate the options box on the right hand side, select Schedule an Appointment

c. Care Unit: Other

d. Location Center for Testing Services

e. Service: CLEP Testing

f. Meeting Type: Virtual (Only out-of-state students) or in-person

g. Select Date

h. Select Center for testing services (CTS)

i. Select your time preference based on availability.

j. Save Appointment

k. Once the testing center has received your appointment request, you will receive a confirmation email with exam registration information within 24 hours (business hours) from when you scheduled your appointment.

If you’d like to reschedule your exam, please cancel your appointment on EAB navigate and reschedule for another feasible date and time.

  • Picture ID is REQUIRED. (Driver’s License, Identification card, Passport, or School Id) Please Note: The name on your ID MUST be the same as on your registration ticket)
  • Registration ticket (Provided on your CLEP MyAccount)

You May NOT take notes on regular paper or dry-erase board during your exam. You will provided CLEP- approved scratch paper to use.

Any device capable of recording audio, photographic, or video content, or capable of viewing or playing back such content               

Unauthorized testing aids          

Calculators (You will be provided with an on-screen calculator for math portion)

Cell phones, tablets, pagers, smartphones, walkie-talkies, PDAs, or wireless communication devices Dictionaries (standard and/or bilingual), books, pamphlets, or other reference materials

Digital cameras               

Digital watches, smartwatches, or wristwatch cameras             

Flash/thumb drives or any other portable electronic device    

Food, beverages, or tobacco products

Listening devices such as radios, media players (with or without headphones), or recorders

Nonmedical electronic devices               

Student-provided paper of any kind (Pen and Scratch paper will be provided and destroyed by the testing center)               

Slide rules, protractors, compasses, or rulers   

Weapons, firearms, or other items prohibited by law or test center/campus safety and security policies

Fee waivers are provided to students that exhibit hardship to make payment(s). You are required to provide circumstantial documentation of the hardship that you are experiencing for approval.

Please Note: You are only allowed to submit one waiver per academic year.

Please select the link below to access and complete the application. You will receive an email regarding the status of your application within 48-72 hours.

To schedule a CLEP Exam with the Center for Testing Services, please sign into EAB Navigate to create your appointment.


ɫTV the University Testing Center

  1. Please bring your valid picture ID.
  2. Make sure to view the prohibited items on the testing policy tab. Cellular devices will be required to turn off and will be confiscated at the beginning of the exam and returned once completed.

CLEP Administrative Fee - $25

Retesting Fee - $35

If you are experiencing circumstantial hardship, the testing center provides a fee waiving hardship application to remove the testing fee. Please note: Students that are requesting a CLEP examination will only be able to complete the application for the administrative fee NOT the exam fee that is required to CLEP.

Late Policy:

If you are more than 15 minutes late to your scheduled exam, you will be required to either reschedule for a feasible date and time.

Retake Exam:

In order to retest for the Accuplacer, you MUST wait 2 weeks (14 days) post the first exam was taken. Please use this time wisely to prepare for your exam.


Please modify your scheduled appointment on EAB navigate to cancel your appointment. In case of Natural Disasters or other university emergencies, you will be notified via email regarding rescheduling a new date and time.

Dr. Tyra Flowers, Coordinator of Testing Center

1 Drexel Dr. New Orleans, La 70125 St. Joseph Academic & Health Center 1st floor, Rm 111 Building 13

