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We know you have a lot of questions about registering for your first class, so we've compiled a list of the most common ones and their answers to help you get started.

If you're still looking for more information after reading through this page, feel free to contact us at regis@xula.edu or call 504-520-6790, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

This allows us to review the details of what can be discussed to people other than the student.  FERPA is the acronym for: Federal Family Educational Right to Privacy Act. It is a federal law designed to: protect the privacy of student education records. Established the right of students to inspect and review their education records.

To order a transcript go to our website Registrars Office and select the option to request a transcript. Transcript orders are processed via our 3rd party vendor National Student Clearinghouse. Once your order is placed you can track your transcript order through each phase of processing. There is a $5.00 fee for each transcript.


The dates will change each semester. To find the current registration schedule, go online at Registrars Office


ALL STUDENTS MUST see their academic advisors BEFORE registering for classes.


Students needing an Alternate pin include all Freshman Students, English Majors, Music Majors, and Deciding/Deciding Non Science Majors. You must obtain your Alternate Pin from your advisor.  Your advisor will give you the Alternate Pin after you complete the advising process. 


The registration priority time for each classification is always available online at Registrars Office   prior to each registration period.


Your registration priority time slot is assigned based on your current classification.


Once registration closes it will reopen for a late registration period and a late fee is applied. Refer to the academic calendar for all registration dates. If you scheduled classes during the open registration period, you will not be assessed a late fee.


If you are on probation/strict probation you are restricted to a minimum of 16 or 13 hours. You can speak with your advisor or Department Head if you have any concerns.

If you are requesting an overload of hours, please see your advisor and/or Department Head to assist.  There is an additional fee per credit hour for hours over 18 credits. Please refer to the Fiscal service website regarding the additional cost. Fiscal Services Tuition Cost

An override is required when Banner will not let you register for a course on your own. This may be due to the course being full or you lacking a prerequisite. Overrides are granted by and at the discretion of the Department Head of the department in which the course is offered.


You can schedule your classes but you will need to contact Student Accounts to complete your payment arrangements. This can prevent you from fiscal clearance for the next semester.


If you are unable to meet with your advisor, you can always contact your Department Head for assistance. Go directly to your academic major department.


Log into your Banner Web account to check your registration status. If your registration status says “You are registered”, you have completed the registration process and can proceed to attend your classes. If your registration status says “You are not registered” you have only scheduled classes and you have not completed the registration process to get fiscally cleared. You should contact Student Accounts at 504-520-7667.


You can visit the website at Fiscal Services Tuition Cost. Contact Fiscal Services for additional questions at 504-520-7667.


Log into your Banner Web account to review your transcript. If your credits or not posted contact the Registrar’s Office at 504-520-5436. If you are an incoming undergraduate student, contact the Admissions Office at 504-520-7388.


Complete the form to request the duplicate diploma. There is a $25.00 fee which can be paid by check or money order. Contact the Registrar’s Office for additional information.


If you need to request verification of your enrollment, you can access the form via My XULA portal. (). If you need additional assistance such as completion of a verification form, please submit the form via email to registraroffice@xula.edu for completion. If you have additional questions, you can contact us at 504-520-5434.


You can update your address and phone information in Banner web.


The form to update your major, minor or declare a double concentration is available in the My XULA Portal on the Registrar’s Menu. Please complete this form and email to regis@xula.edu  and the Department Head of the major or minor you wish to declare and the major or minor you wish to drop (if applicable). If you are declaring a double concentration, please send a copy of this form to Dr. Anderson Sunda-Meya of the A&S Dean’s Office.


Each student’s program of study must include a minor in an academic discipline other than the major discipline. The minor is composed of not less than 18 or more than 21 semester hours. When a major curriculum has a “built-in” minor, the student is required to complete that minor. Different minors and double concentrations have different requirements that can be found in the University Catalog section of Programs.


Legal documentation is required to process a name change. Legal documentation includes birth certificate, marriage license, and proof of name change through the court system. Please submit to the Registrar's Office if you are a current student or the Office of Admissions if you are an incoming student.


Please bring in your SSN card to the Registrar's Office if you are a current student or the Office of Admissions if you are an incoming student.


The course drop form is available in the My XULA Portal on the Registrar’s Menu 

1. Complete the form to drop your course(s). 

2. Email this form to regis@xula.edu, your advisor and instructor(s).

 If you have any questions please contact our office at 504-520-6790. If you desire to drop a course while enrolled through the consortium agreement with Dillard, Loyola, Tulane or Notre Dame, you must also drop the course at those institutions.


Complete the form “Request to Pursue Courses at Another Institution” available in the Registrar’s Office.  Students must be in good academic standing and at least Sophomore Standing. You will need the information about what you want to take and where then signatures from your advisor and the head of the department the course would be counted in. All required signatures must be on the form before submitting it back to the Registrar’s Office. It is very important to do this ahead of time; otherwise, you might take a course and Xavier won’t accept it as transfer credit.  Courses taken elsewhere get the same credit if the institution is on a semester hour system. For institutions on a quarter-hour system, the hours will transfer at values less than a semester hour(s), see below.


6 quarter hours 4 semester hours
5 quarter hours 3.3 semester hours
4 quarter hours 2.7 semester hours
3 quarter hours 2 semester hours
2 quarter hours 1.3 semester hours
1 quarter hour .7 semester hours


To withdraw from the university, please contact the Dean of your College to initiate the process. The Dean’s Office will notify the Registrar’s Office.

College of Arts & Sciences - Dr. Anderson Sunda-Meya

College of Arts & Sciences (Graduate Programs) - Dr. Marcus Cox

College of Pharmacy - Dr. Kathleen Kennedy and Dr. Kristi Rapp


Apply for readmission to the university by completing the Readmission Application.

Visit the  Readmission Website for more information.

Apply for admissions to the university as a visiting student by visiting the link below. /transientstudents


The letter you received from the Dean’s Office includes a link to the Academic Appeal form. You can also access the form from this link /registrars-office-registration


Class Attendance is required and students should attend each class and arrive on time with ID cards. Class attendance is recorded electronically by card readers installed in each classroom.  Students must swipe their card through the card reader. Online class attendance is recorded when students log into Brightspace. Failure to attend class can affect your financial aid. 


A student must provide their Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of the Registrar & Fiscal Service by email regisveteran@xula.edu or by mail. After this form has been received, the student must submit a request to use their benefits for each semester by filling out the VA Certification Request form that can be accessed through My Xula Portal in Dynamic Forms.