What to Bring?
to get information on accepting your financial aid.Prior to Orientation, you want to make sure you’ve completed the following items from your
checklist. Once complete, all you need to bring is an open mind and a valid ID (Driver’s License,
State I.D., Passport, etc.)
To make sure your Orientation is the best experience possible, first ask yourself these six
1. Have you received your official letter of acceptance from the Office of Admissions?
2. Have you confirmed your admissions via your Admissions deposit?
3. Has Xavier received your final, official transcript(s)?
4. Have you submitted your record of immunization to Health Services?
5. Have you already accessed your XULA email?
6. Have you logged into Banner and accepted financial awards posted to your account?
Pay Your Bill
To access this site, you must have a valid Xavier University Identification Number (The XULA ID is a 900 number) and Personal Identification Number (PIN). If you do not know your XULA ID or do not have a PIN and wish to request one, please contact one of the offices below for information on processing your request.to get information on accepting your financial aid.
Information Technology Center, Help Desk
504-520-7446 or 504-520-7449
Office of the Registrar
To secure a place on campus all new students must complete a and submit it with the housing deposit.Guide to Residential Life