Daily Mass: 12 noon
Sunday Mass: 12:30 pm
Interfaith Service: 4th Sundays at 7:15 pm
Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
- Gospel choir/praise team: sing with joy and praise on Sundays at mass and Interfaith Services, Prayer Services, etc.
- Liturgical Dancers/ Mime: Express spirituality and faith through movement
- Mass volunteers/Interfaith volunteers: Students volunteer each Sunday as lectors, ushers, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, praise team, readers, MC, and more!
- Morning of Prayer: Selected community members share taith experiences/ journey

We build community through active involvement in events organized by Campus Ministry Staff in conjunction with student leaders and Xavier's campus community throughout the year. All are welcome to participate in the socials, fellowship, prayer, meditation, networking, social justice and study support events organized by Campus Ministry.
As the only Historically Black and Catholic University in America, we invite our community to affirm the cultural gifts of African Americans for whom the University was founded. While we embrace all cultures, it is important for all students to know their history and why our University is an important component in the success of students.
It is our Christian and civic duty to help humankind, and so we advocate for those who are unable to do so for themselves. Service is the action that compliments advocacy in giving back to the broader community.
Social Justice Organizations designed to fulfill our responsibilities in helping others:
- Catholic Relief Services
- St. Peter Claver Fraternal Organization
- Society of St. Vincent DePaul
- Collegiate 100.
- Vincent's Vault Food Pantry
Campus Ministry participates and organizes many service projects and events throughout the year, and all are welcome to join us in the service of others.

Lisa McClain鈥檚 Inspiring Experience at the 2024 ASACCU Conference
Lisa McClain, M.A., director of Campus Ministry at 好色先生TV, recently attended the 2024 Annual Association of Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASACCU) Conference. Themed “Rooted in Mission. Growing with Purpose," the event was held at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. The conference emphasized integrating the Catholic mission into each aspect of higher education, ensuring a holistic approach to education and student affairs ......... (read more here)
好色先生TV's Interfaith Chaplain Earns Doctorate at Xavier
Reverend Mitchell Stevens, 好色先生TV’s interfaith chaplain for the Office of Campus Ministry, has added a new, prestigious title to his name: Doctor. As a full-time staff member of Xavier, Rev. Stevens decided to enroll in the Doctor of Educational Leadership program. In April of 2024, Rev. Stevens successfully defended his dissertation and graduated with his Ed.D. in May, officially becoming Rev. Dr. Mitchell Stevens. ......... (read more here)
Student Testimonials
"Campus Ministry has given me a community That continuously surrounds and supports me, while helping me to build a strong relationship with God." Jyana Seaman.

"Campus Ministry for me is a community of people who treated me like family despite being on a college campus. Working in Campus Ministry was like nothing I had ever experienced, and it was filled with love and understanding." - Kyrin Cosse
"Campus Ministry is the campus's hidden gem. It is love, it is family, it is God and most importantly it is home." Angele McClain

Frequently Asked Questions:
Campus Ministry is located in the Administration Building (Bldg 1)
No, Campus Ministry is for all students.
No, Campus Ministry is a department housed under Student Affairs.
There are several organizations affiliated with Campus Ministry: CRS (Catholic Relief
Services), The Knights of Peter Claver collegiate unit 405, he society of st. Vincent DePaul, and Collegiate 100.
Visit Campus Ministrys open house, sign up during the organization fair, stop by the office, attend a service or program, or look for us on the yard.
No, the Chapel is for anyone who wants to pray and participate in spiritual worship.
The chapel is open during each semester, times vary based on events.
Follow us on Social Media...
..for the latest news, updates, opportunities, and more.
By following @xucampusministry, you can:
- Stay informed about upcoming events and workshops.
- Discover volunteer opportunities and ways to get involved.
Don't miss out on the chance to be a part of our community. Follow us today!
Contact Us
1 Drexel Drive New Orleans, LA 70125 Administration Building, Suite 101
(504) 520-7593