Cell and Molecular Biology Core
The RCMI Cell and Molecular Biology Core (CMB Core) provides focused services using cell and molecular biological techniques. It also provides access, upkeep and training on "state of the art" equipment. Funding by the RMCI allows these services to be offered at minimal cost to users of the core. Technical services and necessary consumable supplies are provided to support cancer research projects at Xavier University. The long term goal of the Cell and Molecular Biology Core is to enhance the overall biomedical research capabilities at Xavier University.
Cross Discipline Approaches to Cancer Research

Categories of Services Offered:
- Bioassays
- Functional Studies
- Proteomics: specializing in quantitative proteomic profiling using TMT mass tags
- Cell Culture
- Gene Expression
- General Molecular Biology
- Data Analysis
- Training
- Molecular Modeling
RCMI CMB Pamphlet - Full List of Services Offered with general pricing (PDF).
To request services please follow the iLab Solution link below.
If you want instructions on how to set up an iLab account and submit a request click here.
Using iLab
Important Information for Core Users:
We hope the RCMI Cell and Molecular Biology Core is serving your research needs. As you are writing manuscripts, preparing presentations, and drafting grant applications that have resulted from core usage, please keep in mind the importance of citing the RCMI grant and following the NIH Public Access Policy. In order for a publication or presentation to be counted as productivity towards the RCMI Grant, it must be cited with the grant number and a publication must be deposited into PubMed Central.
Citations must credit NCRR's support. Please use the statements below when citing research that was completed with the assistance of an RCMI Core facility. If you are writing RCMI instrumentation into a grant, or using preliminary results obtained with the assistance of an RCMI Core facility, please cite RCMI in the grant application.
"This publication was made possible by NIH Grant Number 8G12MD007595-04 from the National Center for Research Resources. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH."
Obtaining a PubMed Central (PMCID) (This is different than a PMID!)
As a result of NIH's , the final, peer reviewed author manuscripts of journal articles that are supported by NIH funding must be deposited into PMC via the , as soon as the articles have been accepted for publication. Specifically, the final manuscript supplied to PMC is the version that the journal has accepted for publication, including any revisions that the author has made during the peer review process.
You may deposit your final, peer reviewed manuscript through the Manuscript Submission System , using your eRA Commons login, NIH login, HHMI login, or My NCIB login. There are FAQs at the bottom of the webpage and submission tutorials are also available. If you do not have access to one of these logins, please contact Michelle Soliman for assistance with submission.
Helpful links:
PubMed Central:
NIH Manuscript Submission System:
NIH Public Access Policy:
Thank you for helping us stay in compliance with the RCMI Grant and the NIH Public Access Policy. Should you have any questions, please contact the Core Manager, Erica Severan or Guangdi Wang.