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Literary Awards & Grants

The Truman Capote Literary Trust Awards 

The Truman Capote Literary Trust has been the CRWT program’s major benefactor for over a decade, providing two annual scholarships to continuing Xavier students. Scholarship winners are chosen on the merit of their manuscripts by a judge (a professional creative writer with no affiliation with Xavier).

Entries are due in January. For more information, contact Mr. James Shade (jhshade@xula.edu).


XULA Research Scholar Mini-Grants 

We invite undergraduate student researchers to apply for CUR's new XULA Research Scholar Mini-Grants.

This is an exciting opportunity for students to gain experience writing grant proposals. Funding for these mini-grants is provided by the XULA NIH BUILD (Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity) Program and the Title III, Part B program.

Student proposals should be cleared by their faculty research mentor as evidenced by submission of the faculty mentor's biosketch or CV. We strongly suggest that students have their application responses reviewed by a faculty research mentor before submission. CUR will facilitate Proposal Writing sessions. Interested students can visit CUR (St. Joe 308) or email jgrant4@xula.edu for scheduling details.

See the attached Request for Proposals for more information. The attached Application form must be submitted in completion for consideration. Further Questions? Contact Dr. Ja'Wanda S. Grant | 504-520-5066 | jgrant4@xula.edu