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2025 Master of Theology Program 

Associate Director, Dr. C. Vanessa White

The IBCS Master of Theology Program is the only graduate theology program in the western hemisphere taught from a Black Catholic perspective.  Established in 1980, its curriculum features interdisciplinary courses that incorporate Black approaches, critiques, and contributions to systematic and pastoral theologies, youth and pastoral ministry, aesthetics, philosophy and education.  Set in the context of IBCS academics, prayer, worship, and community life, the Degree program forms students for theologically and culturally competent service as ordained, religious or lay ecclesial ministers in the Black community and Church at-large.  The Degree program also attracts transient graduate students and ministers seeking to expand, enhance and enrich their understandings of culture and faith by exploring Black Catholic traditions and their particular meanings for Black Life in the U.S. and Pan African world.

2025 Continuing Education & Enrichment Programs

Valerie Shields, M.A.R.S., Interim Associate Director

C&E Programs provide lifelong learning and spiritual formation for clergy, pastoral leaders and others who minister with Black communities or serve in multi-cultural settings. The 2024 C&E courselists offers unique opportunities for students to grow in their understanding of Black Catholicism and its impact on their ministry, community and the Church at-large.  Students are graded on a pass/fail basis and will receive 1.5 CEUs for each course that is successfully completed.  There is a limit of 20 students per class.