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Catchment basins and drains, another part of the city's water management infrastructure, collect precipitation, allowing water to flow to areas with lower levels and eventually be reintegrated back into the ecosystem. When these drainage systems are clogged by leaves, dirt, trash, and other debris, streets can flood and property can be damaged. If water sits too long, mosquitoes and other disease vectors can breed and fester, endangering public safety.

Building Services Grounds maintenance regularly cleans and monitors the catchment basins and drains to assure we are doing our part to help mitigate stormwater flooding. Because we receive such large amounts of rain so often, it is incredibly important to assure our water storage and drainage systems are working properly. Maintaining these systems reduces some of the burdens on the New Orleans water pumping system. Everyone can assist by assuring trash is disposed of properly and reporting clogged basins to the Building Services office (504) 520-7600.
