
Website Navigation

*Project pages are currently under construction and being added.

Archived Projects

Archived projects are those which are at least 90% complete or have been finished.

Archived Projects
Administration Building Auditorium RenovationsDetails
Administration Building CleaningDetails
Administration Building Electrical UpgradesDetails
Administration Building Window Glazing & ReplacementDetails
Admissions Office RelocationDetails
Art Village RenovationsDetails
B. Samuels DemolitionDetails
College of Pharmacy Renovations-Old Pharmacy (4th Floor)Details
Convocation Academic Center / Gym ReplacementDetails
Convocation Center AnnexDetails
Departmental RenovationsDetails
Electrical Loop (HTE Electrical Upgrades)Details
Electrical UpgradesDetails
Employee HousingDetails
Fitness CenterDetails
Gert Town Community Outreach CenterDetails
House of Studies DemolitionDetails
HVAC RestorationDetails
Lighting Retrofit / Electrical Upgrade (see Entergy Efficiency tab)Details
Living Learning Center Residence Hall (Furniture)Details
Music Building RenovationsDetails
NCF Complex New Research LabsDetails
NCF Science Complex Annex (see NCF Complex New Research Labs)Details
Office of Student Financial Aid RenovationsDetails
Physical Plant DemolitionDetails
Qatar Pharmacy PavillionDetails
St. Katharine Drexel ChapelDetails
St. Martin de Porres Residence HallDetails
Student Center/ Fitness CenterDetails
Student Center/ St. Joseph's Hall RenovationDetails
Sunbeam Parking LotDetails
Tennis CenterDetails
The Barn DemolitionDetails
Umoja House DemolitionDetails
University CenterDetails
West Campus Development Parking LotsDetails
Xavier South Renovations (Phase I-Interior and II-Exterior)Details

Active Projects

Active projects are those that are currently in the planning stages or either progress and have not been substantially completed.

Active Projects
Art Gallery/Administration BuildingDetails
Energy Survey/Performance Contracting with Global Green ConceptDetails
HVAC renovations in Katharine Drexel Hall and Living Learning CenterDetails
Library Resource Center - Underground Water LeakDetails
Pedestrian BridgeDetails

Anticipated Projects

Anticipated projects are those which are currently a part of the strategic master plan but are in the preliminary concept phases.

Anticipated Projects
Campus Police DemolitionDetails
College of Pharmacy Renovations Floors 1-3Details
Convent RenovationsDetails
Crescent Plywood RenovationsDetails
Deferred MaintenanceDetails
Departmental Renovations (Math and Theology)Details
Fire Alarm System UpgradeDetails
Pedestrian Art Mall (PAM)Details