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The Department of Philosophy seeks to offer students ways to approach and understand the examined life and the role of reason in human affairs. The study of philosophy includes training in logic and the techniques of evaluating varying points of view, and training in ethics regarding conceptions of the good life and the importance of achieving justice in society.
It also includes consideration of the ideas of the true, the good, and the beautiful as keys to self-knowledge and the concern for others. Instruction in these areas of thought aims at making connections with the other fields of knowledge and the education of the whole person. It is concerned to supply students with the means to confront the issues of today and to provide a basis for an active, reflective life that will aid them in assuming leadership roles in their chosen careers.
This program is designed for students who plan to take an active leadership role in shaping a more humane society. Completing the philosophy major will (1) provide the student with knowledge of the philosophical themes and thinkers that have been influential in shaping contemporary culture; (2) increase the student's ability to think, speak, read, and write critically and effectively; and (3) increase the student's ability to approach value questions in a rational manner. These abilities will prepare the student for success in any career that requires rational thought and expression (teaching, law, business, management, public policy, etc.).