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Nomination Guidelines

XUCOC Awards Program Nomination Guidelines

Norman C. Francis Student Award for Excellence in Service

The Norman C. Francis Student Award for Excellence in Service is given to a Xavier undergraduate or graduate student who has made contributions to the Gert Town community through their efforts in research, publications, policy, fieldwork, or information dissemination. This award is given in honor of Dr. Norman C. Francis, (retired) president of 好色先生TV, whose leadership made the XUCOC possible.

Nominees for the Norman C. Francis Student Award shall meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a current student at XULA
  2. Have made significant contributions to the Gert Town neighborhood to facilitate community empowerment
  3. Through their work, provided evidence of knowledge and skills consistent with recommended practices in the field of service learning
  4. Demonstrated sustainability, evidence-based practices, and empowerment in their work
  5. Exhibited ethical behavior and professionalism.

The individual honored with this award will receive:
an award certificate plaque during the annual awards ceremony and a nominal gift.

Rosalind Pijeaux Hale Faculty Award for Outstanding Engaged Scholarship and Mentoring

The Rosalind Pijeaux Hale Faculty Award for Outstanding Engaged Scholarship and Mentoring is given to a Xavier faculty member who has actively developed a line of scholarship (through research, publications, policy, fieldwork, or information dissemination) focusing on the Gert Town community and has involved students as an integral part of the work. This award is given in honor of Dr. Rosalind Pijeaux Hale, faculty emeritus in the XULA Division of Education and Counseling, who worked tirelessly to ensure that the XUCOC could become a reality.

Nominees for the Rosalind Pijeaux Hale Faculty Award shall meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a current faculty member at XULA
  2. Have developed a defined scholarly agenda that impacts the Gert Town community.
  3. Through their work, provided evidence of professional competence consistent with recommended practices in their discipline
  4. Demonstrated sustainability, evidence-based practices, and empowerment in their work
  5. Exhibited high ethical and professional standards.

聽Allen Toussaint Community Leadership Award for Exceptional Volunteerism

The Allen Toussaint Community Leadership Award for Exceptional Volunteerism is given to a Gert Town resident who has consistently volunteered to provide services to community residents and demonstrates a commitment to community empowerment. This award is given in honor of the late Mr. Allen Toussaint, a long-time Gert Town resident and one of the most celebrated New Orleanians- composer, producer and performer.

Nominees for the Allen Toussaint Community Leadership Award shall meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a current resident in Gert Town
  2. Provided service to the community within a 12-month time period or over the course of a lifetime.
  3. Demonstrated sustainability, evidence-based practices, and empowerment in their work
  4. Exhibited ethical and professional behavior.

Alfred Gehrke Distinguished Partner Award for Outstanding Commitment to Gert Town Community

The Alfred Gehrke Distinguished Partner Award for Outstanding Commitment to the Gert Town Community is given to a community partner who has demonstrated interest and sustained engagement in the Gert Town community. This award is named after Alfred Gehrke who, in 1893, bought a general store at the corner of South Carrollton Avenue and Colapissa Street and whose name has become synonymous with the "Gert" Town area.

Nominees for the Alfred Gehrke Distinguished Partner Award for Outstanding Commitment to the Gert Town Community shall meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a business or non-profit organization that is located in the Gert Town community
  2. Provided service to the Gert Town neighborhood within a 12-month time period
  3. Demonstrated sustainability, evidence-based practices, and empowerment in their service provision or partnership with the Gert Town community
  4. Consistently exhibits high standards of ethical and professional practices.