好色先生TV the AEP
The Academic Enrichment Program (AEP) is designed to provide COP students with academic support and assistance. Components of the AEP include:
- Meeting with Counselors
- Study schedule development
- Peer-tutoring program
- Seminars (i.e. test-taking, organizational skills, study skills)
- Course-specific review sessions
- Peer-mentoring

Participation in the AEP is mandatory for all students entering into the College of Pharmacy with a GPA below a 3.0, however all COP students are encouraged to take advantage of the services we provide.
If you would like to participate in the AEP, please do the following: Email our Student Academic Performance and Support (SAPS) Coordinators, Mrs. Niesha Baker (A-M) or Ms. Nicole Williams (N-Z) to express interest in receiving services through the AEP Program. Mrs. Baker can be reached via email at nccooke@xula.edu and Ms. Williams can be reached via email at nwilli42@xula.edu.