Campus Based Student Loan Information
Campus Based Student Loans:
Health Profession Student Loans (HPSL)
Loans for Disadvantage Students (LDS)
Perkins Loans
- Contact Information
- Customer Service
- Payment Information
- Lender Information:
Xavier University Office of Loan Collections
- Payment Information
- Lender Assistance
- Loan Repayment
- Grace Period
- Interest Rate
- Late Fee Charge
- Minimum Monthly Payment
- Loan Default
- Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Credit Bureau
- Loan Consolidation
- National Student Loan Database System
- Deferment, Forbearance and Cancellations)
- Deferments
- Forbearance
- Cancellations
- Entrance and Exit Counseling General Information
- Personal Financial Planning
- Information Needed Before Starting Entrance/Exit Interview
- Entrance and Exit Counseling (Paper Version)
- Entrance Counseling (Online)
- Health Profession Student Loan
- Loans for Disadvantage Students
- Perkins Loan
- Exit Counseling (Online)
- Health Profession Student Loan
- Loans for Disadvantage Students
- Perkins Loan
Billing and Servicing Information
ACS, Inc., Billing and Servicing Agent
Campus Products and Services
Customer Service 1-800-826-4470
ACS Payment Information
Mail payments "without" Coupons to:
ACS Inc. Education Services
Campus Products and Services
P. O. Box 7061
Utica, NY 13504-7061
Mail payments "with" Coupons to:
ACS Inc. 'Äì Education Services
P. O. Box 2921
Milwaukee, WI 53201-2921
ACS Customer Service
Contact ACS Customer Service for assistance or information regarding the following:
- How to set up a user ID and password to access your on-line account.
- How to make an on-line Express Payment.
- How to set up automatic payments from your checking accounts (ACH).
- Billing and tax statements.
- Coupon booklets.
- Request forms to be mailed.
- How to print, download and complete the deferment forms:
- Request for Deferment
- Request for Cancellation
- Total and Permanent Disability
- Request In-School Deferment
- Request for Economic Hardship Deferment
- Request for Forbearance
- Request for Unemployment Deferment
- ACS Website assistance
- General account information.
- Account Status/Balance
- Payment Due Date/ Amount Due
- Payment History
- Loan Payoff
- Tax and Interest
- Change of Billing Address/Telephone Numbers
Lender Information
Office of Loan Collections
1 Drexel Drive
New Orleans, LA 70125
Telephone: 504-520-7997 / 504-520-5232
Fax: 504-520-7586 / 504-520-7931
好色先生TV is the lender for all campus based loans (Health Profession Student Loans (HPSL), Loans for Disadvantage Students (LDS) and Perkins Loans).
Lender Payment Assistance
- Credit Card or Debit Card Payments
- Contact Office of Loan Collection - 504-520-5232 for account information.
- Complete, Print and Fax the Loan Collection Credit Card Payment Form,, to our secure fax as indicated on the form. (DO NOT MAIL OR EMAIL FORM.)
- Payment will be processed and posted to your account within 24 hours of receipt.
Lender Customer Service Assistance
Contact Xavier University Office of Loan Collection for assistance or information regarding the following:
- Problem resolution
- Entrance and Exit Counseling
- Loan Consolidation
- To make payments with debit/credit cards
- Rehabilitation Payment Plan
- Temporary Payment Plan
- Request for Forbearance
- Request for Unemployment Deferment
- Request for Economic Hardship
- Request Deferment (enrolled at another college/university)
- Discharge Application: Total and Permanent Disability
- Request forms to be mailed
- Change of Billing Address/Telephone Numbers
- Perkins Loan Compromise Agreement
- Collection Agency Information
- Account placement with a collection agency
- Eligibility to remove an account from collections.
Loan Repayment
The total loan amount, plus interest accrued on the amount, is repayable in monthly installments known as the repayment period of (10) ten years. Once the loan is received whether billed or not the loan must be repaid. Borrowers may repay all or any part of the principal and accrued interest on the loan at any time before it becomes due. Students are not required to make payments while enrolled at Xavier University.
Grace Period
The grace period is the period of time between when the borrower leaves school or drops below full-time enrollment status and the time they begin repayment of their loan. During the grace period, the borrower is not required to make payment and interest does not accrue. The grace period for the HPSL/LDS Loans is (12) twelve months. The grace period for the Perkins Loan is (9) nine months.
Interest Rate
Interest is the cost paid to borrow the money. The annual interest rate of the HPSL/LDS Loan is (5%) five percent. It is a fixed simple interest rate. Interest begins after the grace period. No interest accrues while the borrower is in school.
Late Fee Charge
Under the terms of the promissory note, a school may assess a penalty or late fee should any borrower fail to make payment on time, or fail to file the necessary deferment or cancellation prior to the schedule due date. The loan charges (6%) six percent of the past due payment amount for the late charge after 60 days past due.
Minimum Monthly Payment
The minimum monthly payment of the loan is $40.00 per month. The monthly payment amount will depend upon the size of the debt and the length of the repayment period.
According to Federal Regulations, default is when any borrower fails to make a scheduled payment or to file a cancellation or deferment form on time. Defaulted student loans may be subject to the following:
- The entire unpaid principal balance plus accrued interest and any applicable penalties or late charges may become immediately due and payable.
- The loan may be referred to a collection agency or attorney for legal proceedings.
- The University may withhold institutional services (transcripts, degrees, etc.).
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
A borrower must complete an "Authorization To Discuss Student Billing, Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)" form with the Office of Student Accounts, 504-520-7667 to give 好色先生TV Office of Loan Collections permission to share information about his or her Perkins, Health Profession and/or Loan for Disadvantage student loan with someone other than the borrower.
Credit Bureau
Once a loan is disbursed, it is reported to the (3) three major credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion at the end-of-the-month. Thereafter, the loan should be considered a part of a student's debt-to-income-ratio. Account status is reported to the credit bureaus monthly.
Loan Consolidation
In summary, loan consolidation is a program that allows a borrower to bundle all of his/her student loans/payments together and refinance them to have one loan and one payment. The Health Profession Student Loan, Loans for Disadvantage Student Loan and Perkins Loan are eligible for consolidation under the Department of Education Federal Consolidation Guidelines.
- Loan Consolidation Account Information Needed for Consolidation Lender
- When applying to consolidate your student loans, you are required to give your lender the following information about your Perkins, Health Profession or Loan for Disadvantage Students:
- Contact ACS Customer Service at 800-826-4470 or 好色先生TV Office of Loan Collections at 504-520-5232 to get your loan payoff loan information to provide to your consolidation lender.
- IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PERKINS BORROWERS: If you have a Perkins Loan you could be eligible to have your Perkins Loan cancelled (forgiven). Please contact ACS or Xavier University Office of Loan Collections for additional information on cancellation before adding your Perkins Loan to your loan consolidation.
Contact ACS Customer Service (800-826-4470) or Xavier University Office of Loan Collections (504-520-5232) to inquire about eligibility.
A borrower is entitled to defer a loan's repayment under certain circumstances. A deferment is a period of time during which the borrower is not required to repay the loan principal. Interest will not accrue during any type of deferment.
Repayment of both principal and interest on the borrower's loan may be postponed by submitting a properly completed deferment form by the specified due date. Deferments are not automatic. The deferment form must be submitted on an annual or semester basis, depending on the program. The University has a right to deny a request for deferment if it does not comply with the information requirements or if the deferment is submitted late. A borrower must notify the Xavier University or our Billing Agent, ACS, when they have completed or terminated a deferment period with a university.
Deferment Types:
- Request for Forbearance
- Unemployment Deferment
- Economic Hardship Deferment
- Advanced Profession Training Deferment
- Fellowship Deferment
- Military Deferment
Perkins Deferments:
- In-School Student Deferment (at least half-time student
- Enrolled in a Rehabilitation Training Program
- Graduate Fellowship
- Unemployment Deferment
- Economic Hardship
- Pre-Cancellation Deferment
- Military Operations/Demobilization
- Officer in the US Public Health Services Commissioned Corps.
Health Profession/Loan for Disadvantage Student Deferments:
- Request for Forbearance
- Pursuing a full-time course of study towards a degree in health professions.
- Internship/Residency prior to professional practice.
- Fellowship Training Program
- Advanced Professional Training
- Peace Corps Volunteer
- Officer in the US Public Health Services Commissioned Corps
- Military Service (active duty)
In-School Student Deferment (Perkins, LDS and HPSL Loans)
If any borrower ceases to be a full-time student pursuing an eligible course of study, but re-enters the same or another school within the grace period, the borrower is eligible for a deferment. Student must be at least half-time. When borrowers receive this type of deferment, they will be eligible for another grace period.
Request for Forbearance (Perkins, LDS and HPSL Loans)
If a borrower is willing but unable due to financial obligations or circumstances to make the required payments on a loan, he or she may request that the school grant a forbearance. This allows for a temporary postponement of payments, an extension of time allowed for making payments or the acceptance of a lesser payment amount. Interest continues to accrue during any period of forbearance. The borrower is responsible for paying the accumulated interest on or before the expiration of the forbearance period.
A forbearance is not a deferment. It means a temporary cessation of payment due to the inability to pay. Forbearance is based on an individual's current financial hardship and is granted at the discretion of the lender (Xavier University).
- Apply for a forbearance by selecting one of the following methods:
- Print and complete the Request for Forbearance Form with the required documentation and fax, email or mail to Xavier University Office of Loan Collection.
- Call Xavier University Office of Loan Collection.
- Email, fax or mail a letter to Xavier University Office of Loan Collection.
Unemployment Deferment (Perkins Loan Only)
An unemployment deferment is available with documented proof that you are not working or working less than thirty (30) hours weekly. Unemployment deferments do not accrue interest during the deferment period.
Economic Hardship Deferment (Perkins Loan Only)
You may find yourself fully employed yet unable to make ends meet due to your economic circumstances. If you find yourself in this position, you may qualify for an economic hardship deferment. Economic hardship deferments do not accrue interest during the deferment period.
Advanced Professional Training Deferment (LDS and HPSL Loans)
Any borrower who pursues advanced professional training to include internships and residencies is eligible for advance professional training deferment. Advanced Professional Training includes only the following:
- Study Abroad.
- Training intended to further the borrower's knowledge and skills in the discipline for which the loan was received.
- A prerequisite for professional practice.
- An internship or residency program or other full-time training beyond the first professional degree.
- Unlimited deferment for advanced professional training.
Fellowship Deferment (Perkins, LDS and HPSL Loans)
Graduates pursuing fellowship training or other educational activity are eligible for fellowship deferment only if pursued no later than (12) months after the completion of advanced professional training. The maximum deferment period is (3) three years.
Military Deferment (Perkins, LDS and HPSL Loans)
Any borrower who serves on active duty as a member of the uniform service or as a Peace Corps volunteer is eligible for military deferment. The maximum deferment period is (3) three years. Military personnel called to active duty will have additional options to postpone repayment.
A borrow may have all or part of his or her loan (including interest) canceled for engaging in public service such as teaching, service in the education component of a Head Start program, service in the Peace Corps or ACTION, or service in the military. Cancellation is also granted in case of the borrower's death or total and permanent disability.
- Cancellation (Loan Forgiveness Perkins Loans Only
- For Perkins Loans made on or after July 23, 1992, up to (100%) one hundred percent cancellation (loan forgiveness) for full-time employment in the following service related employment:
- Teacher in a designated elementary or secondary low-income school determined by the Federal Government.
- Teacher of mathematics, science, foreign languages, bilingual education or other fields designated as teacher shortage area.
- Head Start
- Special education for infants/toddlers/youth with disabilities classroom must be 100% special education.
- Special education teacher (including teaching children with disabilities) in a public or other nonprofit elementary or secondary school. The majority of the children being taught must be handicapped.
- School guidance counselors.
- Sworn Officer or person who principal responsibilities are essential in the performance of the agency's primary mission.
- Nurse/Medical Technician
- Child/Family Services to high-risk children from low-income communities.
- Early Intervention Services (under the age of 3)
- Peace Corps/Vista Volunteer Services
- Military Service (Combat for at least one year in an area of hostility/imminent danger.)
- VA approved Total/Permanent Disability
- Surviving spouse of eligible public servant 9/11 attacks.
- Qualified professional provider of early intervention services for the disabled.
- Employee of a public or nonprofit child or family service agency providing or supervising the provisions of services to both high-risk children who are from families in low-income communities. The children must be the primary recipients of the services.
- Nurse or medical technician providing health care services.
- Member of the Peace Corps or Vista Service.
- Service Cancellation after 8/14/08:
- Pre-K staff member service.
- Firefighter
- Attorney employed in a defender organization.
- Master's Degree in Library Science
- Master's Degree in Speech Pathology Tribal College/University
- For Perkins Loans made on or after July 23, 1992, up to (100%) one hundred percent cancellation (loan forgiveness) for full-time employment in the following service related employment:
- Death Cancellation - Perkins/HPSL/LDS
- In case of death, the loan may be cancelled on the basis of a death certificate.
- Permanent and Total Disability Cancellation - Perkins/HPSL/LDS
- According to Federal regulations, permanent and total disability is being unable to engage in gainful employment of any kind because of a medically determinable impairment which is expected to continue for a long and indefinite period of time.
- If the borrower becomes permanently and totally disabled after receiving the loan, the loan may be cancelled based on medical documentation supplied by the borrower's physician. The final review and determination will be made by the Secretary of HHS based upon the recommendation of the school and the medical support documentation period.
All graduating seniors and students withdrawing from Xavier University or transferring to another school who have a Health Profession Student Loan, Loans for Disadvantage Students and/or a Perkins Loan with Xavier University are required to complete an exit interview with the Office of Loan Collections.
Personal Financial Planning
Entrance and Exit Financial Counseling consist of the following areas to help prepare students for financial success in student loan repayment:
- Personal Financial Planning
- Opening a Bank Account
- Establishing and Maintaining Good Credit
- Keeping Good Financial Records
- Reducing Your Debt
- Managing Your Finance
- Budget Planning
- Figuring Out Your Budget
- Practice Budget Worksheet
- Salary Calculator
- National Student Loan Data System
- OSFA Ombudsman
- Student Loan Repayment
- Student Loan Provisions
- Student Loan Rights and Responsibilities
- Loan Consolidation
- Defaulting on a Loan
- Loan Disclosure Statement
STOP! STOP! Read first before Starting
Allow 30 minutes to complete the online entrance or exit interview. Carefully read each section in its entirety and be prepared to take an on-line quiz at the completion of each section of the entrance and exit interview.
The following information will be needed before starting the online entrance and exit interviews:
- Driver License Information
- Xavier University Email Address
- Alternate Email address
- Xavier Student ID Number
- Employer Information 'Äì Complete address/telephone number
- Social Security Number
- Spouse Cell number
- Spouse Employer Information (complete address/telephone number).
- Parents/Guardian Complete address/telephone/cell number
- Parents/Guardian Employer Information (complete address/telephone number).
- Personal References (4)
- Two Relatives and two non-relatives over 18 years old.
- References must reside at a different address and cannot reside at the same address as you or your parents.
- Need the following information on each reference:
- Name
- Address (Street Address, City, State & Zip Code)
- Home Telephone Number
- Cell Number
If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, a paper version of the Entrance and Exit Interview is available by contacting the Office of Loan Collections at 504-520-5232.
- Paper Version:
- Xavier South, Room 408
- Scan/Email
- Fax
Entrance Counseling
Xavier University students borrowing Federal Perkins, Health Profession and Loans for Disadvantage Students loans must complete entrance counseling prior to receiving their first disbursement. This includes first year students, transfers (even if you have completed entrance counseling at another college), returning students borrowing their first loan, and borrowers returning from a leave of absence receiving new loans.
The Office of Loan Collections receives electronic notification that you have fulfilled your entrance counseling requirement online.
Financial Aid will not post loan awards to your student account until you have completed your Entrance Interview.
If you have questions regarding entrance counseling, please contact the Office of Loan Collections at 504-520-5232.
Exit Counseling
Xavier University students who have borrowed Federal Perkins, Health Profession and Loans for Disadvantage Students loans who are graduating from Xavier University, taking a leave of absence, withdrawing, transferring from Xavier University or enrolled at Xavier University less than half time are required to complete loan exit counseling. Undergraduate students must take at least six (6) credit hours to be considered half-time. Graduate students must be enrolled at least three (3) credit hours.
The Office of Loan Collections receives electronic notification that you have fulfilled your exit counseling requirements online. If you have not completed your mandatory exit interview, a hold will be placed on your student account.
If you have questions regarding exit counseling, please contact the Office of Loan Collections at 504-520-5232.
NOTE: This exit interview is not the same as the Office of Financial Aid exit interview. Contact Financial Aid for more information on their exit interview process.