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Public Health Sciences Department Receives $1.5 Million Grant for Climate Change Research Initiative

好色先生TV the Project

好色先生TV's Public Health Sciences department has received a $1.5 million grant from the National Academies of Science for a research initiative called "Bridging the Gap Between Climate Change and Determinants of Health in South Louisiana."

The project aims to study how climate change impacts public health, with a focus on marginalized communities in Louisiana. Rising temperatures, flooding, poor air/water quality, and infectious disease spread all pose growing threats.

The grant will fund the development of a database of health determinants affected by climate change. This data will inform strategies to address climate change equitably.

Community Partnerships

Xavier is partnering with two local organizations on the project:

  • Lower 9th Ward Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development
  • Zion Travelers Cooperative Center

These partners will help collect data and engage with impacted communities through tours, volunteering, and sustainability initiatives. The project exemplifies Xavier's mission to advance health equity and promote a just society.

Project Goals

  • Research how climate change impacts public health
  • Develop database of health determinants affected by climate change
  • Engage communities experiencing climate change effects
  • Inform strategies to address climate change equitably
  • Advance health equity in marginalized communities

好色先生TV the Grant

  • Awarded through the National Academies of Science (NAS) Gulf Research Program
  • NAS’ Gulf Research Program (GRP) partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to sponsor the grant.


L. Faye Grimsley, PhD, MSPH, CIH

L. Faye Grimsley, PhD, MSPH, CIH

Project Director


Associate Professor, Public Health Sciences

Billie Castle, PhD, MPH

Billie Castle, PhD, MPH

Project Co-Director


Assistant Professor, Public Health Sciences

Kaitlyn Banks

Kaitlyn Banks

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Arthur Johnson

Arthur Johnson

CEO, Center for Sustainable Environmental Development

The Lower Ninth Ward Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development’s (CSED) mission is to stimulate civic and health engagement and restorative rebuilding, repopulate, sustain natural systems, assist community leadership and preserve resources in New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward neighborhoods. 

Dailyn Turner

Dailyn Turner

Zion Travelers Cooperative Center, Inc. (ZTTC) is a faith-based community development cooperation organized immediately after Hurricane Katrina in Downtown Phoenix, LA (Plaquemines Parish’s East Bank). ZTCC became the human service center for east bank displaced residents without government support or funding. ZTCC programs consist of technology/audio, drama, youth entrepreneurship, tutorial and coastal restoration / environmental classes for youths (Connecting Kids to their Environment). ZTCC has created an open forum for community residents to address their concerns, demands, grievances and needs to and with local state and national elective officials. ZTCC’s mission is to rebuild our community spiritually and mentally and maintain self-determination.

Torrie Harris, Dr.P.H., MPH

Level Strategies, LLC.

Level Strategies, LLC is dedicated to community health and health system optimization, utilizing an equity lens-centering community voice. 

Dr. Dodie Arnold, Arnold CR

Dr. Dodie Arnold, Arnold CR

Arnold CR is a nonprofit consulting and research organization dedicated to environmental stewardship, outdoor inclusion, and building wellness and capacity within systematically oppressed communities and the organizations that serve them.

Chris Grace

Chris Grace

CEO, CareAdvisors

Dawn V. Gay, MBA-HCM

Executive Director; Chief Relationship Officer, CareAdvisors

Ketki Parmar

Project Manager, CareAdvisors

CareAdvisors builds technology platforms that enable the elimination of disparities and inequity in healthcare.

好色先生TV Xavier's Public Health Program

Since its introduction to the university in 2012, the Public Health Sciences program at Xavier has been educating the next generation of leaders poised to tackle pressing health issues. Recognized by the United States Department of Education for its stand-out program, the department prepares students for impactful careers in public health. It encourages collaboration between students and professors on innovative research projects to eliminate health disparities and advance health equity. The funding from the grant will allow the program to research the detrimental effects climate change will have on public health, especially in the marginalized and underserved communities of Louisiana.