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Gold Book Bundle

Gold Book Bundle

All your books in one bundle

Xavier Book Bundle is a new, comprehensive, affordable textbook rental program that will provide all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and electronic book versions to undergraduate students before the first day! The average student is expected to save $150-200 on textbooks for a semester. All undergraduate students will be automatically enrolled.

  • Receive all your course materials before the first day of class
  • Save 35-50% on the cost of course materials each term
  • Benefit from a highly personalized concierge service

Important Dates:


  • Dec 14 Gold Book Bundle Ordering Begins
  • Jan 3-31 Charge to SFA
  • Jan 13 Classes Begin
  • Jan 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 
  • Mar 3-7 Mardi Gras Break
  • Mar 14 Mid Terms/Last Day to Place Gold Book Bundle Orders
  • Apr 17-18 Easter Break
  • May 7 Last Day to Turn in Rentals  
  • Register For Your Courses
Upon registering for courses, undergraduate students will be automatically enrolled into the program. Once you’ve successfully selected your courses, the bookstore will start preparing your order.
  • Verify Your Order
Upon registering for courses, undergraduate students will be automatically enrolled into the program. Once you’ve successfully selected your courses, the bookstore will start preparing your order.
  • Receive Your Books
An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Brightspace.

Not interested... Opt-Out here.

We recommend that students take advantage of the deeply discounted and guaranteed course materials available for the first day of class. However, we understand that this program may not be suitable for all students. If you do not wish to participate in the Xaiver Book Bundle program, you must opt out.

Frequently Asked Questions

First Day Complete is a course material model that lowers the cost of materials for students and ensures students have access to all of their required course materials on or before the first day of class. Through this new program, physical books will be conveniently packaged and provided to students on a rental basis, and digital materials will be delivered directly within the campus LMS. Costs will be applied to your fee bill as “Gold Book Bundle”. At the end of the term, students will receive email reminders to return their physical course materials to the bookstore.
  • Register for your classes and the bookstore will start preparing your course materials
  • One month before classes start, you will receive an email instructing you to select your delivery preference (in-store pickup or shipped directly to you)
  • An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships
  • Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within the LMS.
The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital textbook versions to eligible students.
The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital textbook versions to eligible students.
While it is NOT recommended, students have the option to opt-out of this program. For the Spring 2024 semester, the option to opt out will be available  on or after January 8, 2024 through the end of the add/drop period, January 12, 2024.  Students will receive emails to their XULA email addresses notifying them when this option is live with a link to the opt-out experience. Opting out means you will not receive access to your required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate. Students will be given the option to opt out of this program each semester. This option will be available prior to the beginning of each major semester (fall, spring, and summer) through the end of the Add/Drop period. These dates can be found on the University's Academic Calendar.

To change your status and opt into the First Day® Complete program, please After opting out, you will receive emails from Barnes and Noble College prompting you to opt back in. If you determine you want to opt back into the program, you will need to follow the link in these emails. Please note you must make your final selection prior to the Add/Drop date. These dates can be found on the University's Academic Calendar. Please note you must make your final selection by January 12, 2024.

The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals. Students will receive email reminders about the rental deadline to their email address.
Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.
Students will receive emails and phone calls from the bookstore to remind them to verify their order. If the student does not opt-out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.
Yes, if the student does not opt-out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.
You may return the book to the bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required textbooks/codes so that you have what you need.
Yes, the program allows you to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period
Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the bundle will remain on your student account.

Students will receive emails and phone calls from the bookstore to remind them to verify their order. If the student does not opt-out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.

Get all of your course materials with
Xavier's Book Bundle