In July of 2023, Xavier junior Jamya Davis was hailed as one of the four 好色先生TV Exponential Honors program members to take the first-place prize during the collegiate finals of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Invent2Prevent Competition. Davis, a political science major, collaborated with teammates Anthony Jeanmarie IV (junior, sociology), Aarinii Parms-Green, (sophomore, political science) and Nehemiah Strawberry (sophomore, chemistry/pre-med) to develop and present their project “Still We R.O.S.E. (Recognizing Our Shared Experience),” aimed at bridging the misunderstanding between Black and Jewish communities due to controversial statements made by certain Black celebrities.
Exemplary of the dedication of a Xavierite, Davis didn’t let her summer ambitions rest, and recently, spoke with former congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and former congressman Tom Petri on their over forty years of combined service in the U.S. House of Representatives. Her conversive interview with the two former members of Congress was recently published in the 2023 summer volume of “Public Service Review.”
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