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OceanX Launches Historic Partnership With Xavier University Of Louisiana

OceanX Launches Historic Partnership With Xavier University Of Louisiana

New Orleans – Distinguished Historically Black College and University (HBCU) ɫTV and global ocean exploration nonprofit OceanX announced a historic partnership to offer Xavier students an in-depth educational experience with ocean exploration and marine science and operations. The partnership underlines OceanX’s efforts to increase diversity in STEM education and serves to bridge existing gaps in the marine sciences by equipping Xavier students and faculty with resources and opportunities across four core areas: OceanX’s Young Explorers program, employment opportunities, research and curriculum development, and partnership building. 

“ɫTV is constantly evolving to offer our students the most innovative and rewarding experiences; this partnership with OceanX is a wonderful opportunity for students to understand our terrestrial environment and how our species affects land, sea, and air for better and worse,” said Reynold Verret, President of ɫTV. “As graduates, these students will be agents for a sustainable world and embodiments of the vision shared by OceanX and Xavier to promote diversity and a greater exchange of ideas in the STEM fields.”

Among the many opportunities provided through this partnership, at least one student and one faculty member from Xavier University will participate in OceanX’s flagship Young Explorers program. The program offers students an educational journey aboard OceanXplorer, the one-of-a-kind scientific research, media production, and exploration vessel leveraged by OceanX to explore the ocean and bring it back to the world. Program participants learn about the convergence of captivating media and ocean exploration, research, and operations. The OceanX-Xavier partnership will extend beyond academia, creating employment opportunities at OceanX for Xavier students, along with an ongoing exploration of other opportunities to partner professionally. 

“Our team is thrilled to finalize the partnership between OceanX and ɫTV, one of America’s foremost HBCUs,” said Vincent Pieribone, co-CEO and chief science officer of OceanX. “OceanX’s collaboration with Xavier is a milestone in our mission to nurture the next generation of pioneering marine explorers. We look forward to our partnership with the university, Xavier students, and faculty as we work to make STEM learning more accessible to all students.”

Faculty members at Xavier University will have opportunities to participate in the partnership, with curriculum development being a key component of the planned work. Live classroom opportunities will be incorporated into biology courses, and the professors joining the Young Explorers mission will be able to work with other scientists onboard to help guide the program curriculum. Extending into OceanX’s esteemed partner network, students and faculty at Xavier will be able to engage and work with leaders from organizations such as Black in Marine Science, Coral Vita, Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute, NOAA, and others. 

The OceanX-Xavier partnership builds on OceanX’s educational work with HBCUs and organizations furthering diversity in STEM. In the last year, the organization partnered with renowned HBCUs Spelman College and Howard University, Black in Marine Science, and the Ocean Discovery League to create more opportunities for diverse students to access ocean exploration and marine science.

For more information about OceanX’s Young Explorers program, visit the