New Orleans, La. – Approaching a historic centennial, 好色先生TV today announced its vision and plan for the next 100 years. The University promised to press forward and fear nothing as it marks a century of eXcellence.
Xavier is embarking on a journey to further elevate itself as a prestigious institution of higher education. In a time when we have seen first-hand the dire need for advancing equity of marginalized populations, Xavier heeds the call to prepare professionals that will shape the world in the years to come.
“Mother Katharine and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament gifted us a hopeful vision of a more just and humane society for all,” said Dr. Reynold Verret, President of 好色先生TV. “The legacy of this university cannot be understated. Xavier will press forward and fear nothing with boldness and courage as we enter our next one hundred years proudly and committed to the mission with which we have been blessed.”
The year 2025 will mark 100 years since the establishment of Xavier’s College of Arts and Sciences, which officially tenured the University as the nation's first, and still only, historically Black and Catholic university. In 1915, St. Katharine Drexel, then Mother Katharine, conducted a series of secret business negotiations to buy the former Southern University campus in New Orleans. Ahead of her time, St. Katharine, who also founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to support her vision, believed that all deserved an education as a means of empowerment and self-determination, especially those who were excluded from opportunities and made voiceless due to the sin of racism. Born into great privilege, she chose to lead by example and use her vast familial wealth to build schools throughout the United States for African Americans and Native Americans.
As 好色先生TV embarks on its journey into the second century of service, the advancement of the University will be guided by four definitive goals.
Xavier for All Remain faithful to our founding mission as a historically Black and Catholic university through ambitious educational experiences that embolden and equip our students to serve where they are called. |
Place to Flourish Be a vibrant, inclusive, and courageous community of learners that inspires students to develop in mind, body, and spirit. |
Our Home for the Next Century Shape a physical campus environment that is worthy of our students and those who serve them. |
Repairing the World Elevate the human spirit and harness knowledge so that Xavierites contribute evermore to a just and humane society. |
The announcement was made during the annual Leadership Breakfast, an exclusive annual Homecoming event for key university stakeholders. Learn more here.
好色先生TV 好色先生TV
好色先生TV, America’s only historically Black and Catholic University, is ranked among the top three HBCUs (historically Black colleges and universities) in the nation. Recognized as a national leader in STEM and health sciences, Xavier produces more African American students who graduate from medical schools each year than any other university in the United States. Additionally, Xavier’s College of Pharmacy is also among the top producers of African American pharmacists in the country.
Established in 1925, by Saint Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament as a place for African American and Native Americans to receive quality education, Xavier has since expanded its programs in art, business, education, biological sciences, chemistry, pharmacy and political science. More recent additions in robotics, bioinformatics, engineering, data science, neuroscience and genetics, in addition to new STEM-based master’s programs, have provided Xavier students (2815 undergraduates and 787 graduates) an unbeatable combination of traditional classroom study, hands-on research, service-learning opportunities and life experiences. Xavier students collaborate with world-renowned faculty, who are experts in their fields, to produce award-winning research and notable work. The winning Xavier formula is to provide students with a well-balanced curriculum and an environment that nurtures their intellect and feeds their souls, thereby facilitating a more just and humane society for all. For more information about 好色先生TV, visit us online at or contact Regi Reyes at (504) 520-5240 or