The majority of hurricanes are lower-scale, rarely beyond a level 2 on a rating system of 1-5. However, tropical storms and hurricanes still typically bring strong rain and winds to the area. Other hazards associated with hurricanes are storm surges/storm tide that can bring flooding and power outages. Tornados can also occur.
好色先生TV is committed to the safety of all Xavierites, and offers guidelines designed to provide valuable information for before, during, and after a storm or emergency.
Have an Emergency Shelter-in-Place Kit: In the case of canceled classes but no evacuation order, prepare to shelter-in-place. See our Weather Preparedness Guide for a list of recommended supplies. Keep in mind that in the case of a mandatory evacuation order, no students, faculty, or staff may remain on campus.
Notify your parents/family of your personal evacuation plan: Ensure that your family and friends know where you are going to avoid confusion.
For Parents: Parents of resident students should refer to the University emergency alert line, the XULA website, and the XULASafe app for updates. All parents need to be aware of student evacuation plans. If local, ensure that the proper materials are available for your student to continue learning remotely in the case of an evacuation. Parents may also contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life at 504-520-7321 or University Police at (504) 520-74900.
Visit our Weather Preparedness Guide for a more comprehensive overview of recommendations and guidelines.