Dear Xavierites,
Little more than a month ago, the Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis prompted our moving, for the health and safety of our community, from face-to-face instruction to remote modalities.
Since then, we have witnessed remarkable sacrifice, innovation, and adaptability. Your response is testament to the spirit and qualities of the Xavier student who persists and succeeds regardless of the obstacle.
As we continue to track the pandemic, I share with you some key decisions regarding the coming months.
I look forward to reconnecting with the Xavier student body.
Xavier is actively seeking additional financial support in this time of great student need. The university has launched the L.O.V.E. campaign with you in mind.
You are the continuation of St. Katharine’s dream to forge leaders who lead this nation in times of joy and despair. The Xavier degree is as relevant today as it has been for nearly a century.
Remember who you are and whose you are. Dedicate yourself to learning as you finish this semester. Know that while we are presently at distance, we are one in spirit, purpose and mission.
From my heart,
Reynold Verret
President 好色先生TV
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