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Research, Study Abroad, Academic Success


The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is committed to providing exceptional service to, and support of, Xavier University鈥檚 Researchers. Our mission is to grow, support, and safeguard Xavier鈥檚 research enterprise, allowing Investigators to be successful in their sponsored research initiatives. Through communication that is frequent, clear, consistent, and accurate we strive to be an effective resource to all of our internal and external constituencies.

ORSP provides services in four general categories: information collection and dissemination, administration of pre- and post-award activities, facilitation of technology transfer, and the oversight and support of University compliance activities.

Study Abroad

Guided, reflective, global experiences facilitate the understanding and clarification of a student鈥檚 own values and permit evaluation of stereotypes and misconceptions as well as the discovery of similarities between diverse populations. Students who have these experiences are better prepared to work effectively in multicultural and global environments.聽

Foundations of Native American Literature Course

Student Academic Success Office

The mission of the Student Academic Success Office (SASO) is to improve retention and graduation rates of Xavier students, particularly by addressing new freshmen students and students who are academically at risk. This is done through academic support and First Year Experience programs.聽

  1. Design and implement academic programs for improving retention and graduation rates;
  2. Provide academic advising to Deciding Majors;
  3. Monitor the academic progress of probationary students;
  4. Provide academic support through the coordination, enhancement and support of peer tutoring and the academic labs (reading, writing, and mathematics);
  5. Engage a system of monitoring and mentoring for the academic progress of new freshman students.