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RCMI Pilot Project

January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020


PI:  Joe M. Ricks, Jr. Ph.D.


Title: “An Examination of Messaging Factors Affecting African American Community Perceptions of and Intentions to Participate in Clinical Trials”.


Abstract: Distrust in clinical research is the most commonly cited reason for lower participation of African Americans in clinical trials, so not only is it important to address individual perceptions and beliefs regarding trails, the community distrust must also be addressed. This study will use Persuasive Communication Theory (PCT) and Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to examine the effectiveness of marketing messaging on African Americans’ intentions to participate in clinical trials.  While there have been some studies examining African American participation in a specific trial or for a specific disease these studies have not identified strategies that have been effective in significantly increasing African American participation. This study seeks to examine the overall levels of trust in the clinical trial process by examine attitudes regarding clinical trial in general.  TRA suggests that behavioral intentions are driven by attitudes and subjective norms.   Using PCT marketing stimuli will be designed for experiments to examine the effects of source and message on African American cognitive beliefs about and feelings toward clinical trials or attitudes; community distrust and motivation not to comply or subjective norms, and willingness to participate or intentions. The goal of this study is to be able to use the results to develop marketing communication campaigns to influence African Americans’ attitudes and subjective norms regarding clinical trials and ultimately increase African American participation in trials.