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Services Request Timeline

Services Request Timeline

Timeline for Accommodation Requests

Making Timely Requests for Accommodations

Support services may not be available until requested by a student registered with ODS. In order to ensure sufficient time to provide accommodations, the student must submit their accommodation requests online within the appropriate time frame each semester  (see Chapter 1, in ODS Student Handbook Students' Rights and Responsibilities).

If a request is submitted after the relevant deadline, reasonable efforts will be made by ODS and faculty to accommodate the request. However, we cannot guarantee that such a request can be met. Untimely requests may result in delay, substitutions, or denial of accommodation.

Students who are registering with ODS for the first time will need to allow for two to four (2-4) weeks for the registration & review process. Please see our Getting Started with ODS page for additional information.



Type of Service Time Required
Interpreting, Real-time Captioning, Real-time Transcribing, Video Captioning, Classroom Relocation, Braille materials Within 48 hours after registering for classes.
Accessible Furniture  At least three (3) weeks prior to the beginning of the new semester.
Classroom Assistant, Lab Assistant, Library Assistant At least two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the new semester.
Alternative Format (E-Text) At least four (4) weeks prior to the beginning of the new semester.
Notetaking Services Upon registration or one (1) week prior to the new semester.
Alternative Testing Within 48 hours of registration or at minimum one week prior to exams.
Scheduling Exams with Disability Access Services

Minimum advance notice required for scheduling exams with ODS:

Quizzes and Midterms - 5 business days
Finals - 10 business days
Summer session - 4 business days

Accessible University Housing Requests for accommodation from incoming students beginning Fall semester made before June 1 will be given priority. After June 1, requests for accommodation will be made as space is available. ODS and Residential Education recommend that you complete an accommodation request when you fill out your housing application.
Flexibility in Attendance and Assignments At least one (1) week prior to the new semester.

Contact Us

Office of Disability Services

The Convocation Center Annex
Building #62, Room 215A
Office: 504-520-7607
Fax: 504-520-7947

Mailing Address

1 Drexel Drive
P.O. Box 180
New Orleans, LA 70125

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Testing Center Hours 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM