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Math Education Program

Mathematics Education majors should note that certification requirements are established by the Louisiana Department of Education and are subject to change. Students should consult their advisors each semester. Education majors should consult the Division of Education and Counseling section in this catalog for requirements to be formally admitted into Xavier's Teacher Education Program.



MATH 1070-2070 or 1070HN-2070HN44Intro. Calculus I/ Calculus II or Honors Calculus I/Honors Calc II
EDUC 10000
Teacher Prep
Communication Studies3
Essential Core
CPSC 1710
3Computer Science I
ENGL 1010 (or 1000)-10233Fundamental Core
FRSM 1000-110011Freshman Seminar
Essential Core
PHIL 2040
Physical Education (activity course)
1Essential Core
STAT 2010
3Statistical Methods I


MATH 2030
3Linear Algebra
MATH 20804
Calculus III
MATH 2550-256033Discrete Structures I & II
EDUC 2005R
0Praxis PPST Reading
EDUC 2005W
0Praxis PPST Writing
EDUC 2005M
0Praxis PPST Math
EDUC 2040
3Introduction to Exceptional Children
EDUC 2044
3Classroom Management
EDUC 2200
3Multicultural Education
ENGL 20103
Essential Core
Foreign Language33Fundamental Core
Natural Science (with lab) (BIOL recommended)3
Fundamental Core


All majors must have passed all parts of Praxis I and should have been accepted into the Teacher Education Program before taking junior-level education courses.

MATH 2160L
1Mathematics Technology Lab
MATH 40103
Modern Geometry
MATH 4030
3History of Mathematics
MATH 4095/4095D30Abstract Algebra
EDSC 3023-3023M33Special Methods/Methods of Teaching Mathematics
EDUC 3005L
0Praxis II
EDUC 30403
Educational Psychology
EDUC 4090
3Adolescent Psychology
African American and Diaspora Studies
3Essential Core
Fine Arts3
Essential Core
Theology33Essential Core


MATH 4999
0Senior Comprehensives
EDSC 4061T
9Student Teaching
EDSC 4150
3Teaching Reading in the Content Area
EDUC 4005S
0Praxis Specialty Area
EDUC 4060S
0Student Teaching Seminar
ECON 10303
Intro. to Economics
PHIL 3250聽*3
Philosophy of Science
CHEM, IPSC, or PHYS Expansive Core (recommended)3
Expansive Core
Expansive Core3
Expansive Core
Free Electives4



(GRADES 6-12)

Fundamental Core18
English Composition (6, ENGL 1000/1010, ENGL 1020), Mathematics (3 of 4, MATH 1070), Natural Science (3), World Language (6)
Essential Core36
Freshman Seminar (2), African American and Diaspora Studies (3), Communication (3), Fine Arts (3), History (3), Natural Science (3, CPSC 1710), Philosophy (6, PHIL 2040 and PHIL 3250), Physical Education (1, activity course), Social Science (3, ECON 1030), Theology (6), World Literature (3, ENGL 2010)
Expansive Core6
Including one CHEM, IPSC, or PHYS Expansive Core course (3) (recommended)*
MATH 1070 (1 of 4), MATH 2030 (3), MATH 2070 (4), MATH 2080 (4), MATH 2160L (1), MATH 2550 (3), MATH 2560 (3), MATH 4010 (3), MATH 4030 (3), MATH 4095/4095D (3), MATH 4999 (0); CPSC 1710 (3); STAT 2010 (3)
EDSC 3023 (3), EDSC 3023M (3), EDSC 4061T (9), EDSC 4150 (3), EDUC 1000 (0), EDUC 2005R (0), EDUC 2005W (0), EDUC 2005M (0), EDUC 2040 (3), EDUC 2044 (3), EDUC 2200 (3), EDUC 3005L (0), EDUC 3040 (3), EDUC 4005S (0), EDUC 4060S (0), EDUC 4090 (3)
Free Electives4
Total Hours 聽128

*Teacher certification standards require 3 hours in CHEM, IPSC, or PHYS, in addition to the other courses listed above. **See also required specified courses in Fundamental and Essential Core