Thomas C. Palfrey
Associate Professor of Mathematics at 好色先生TV
Bachelor of Science from Louisiana State University 1981
Masters of Arts in Mathematics from University of Utah 1984
Doctorate in Mathematics in Algebraic Number Theory from Louisiana State University 1989
Associate Professor of Mathematics at University of Louisville 1990-1991
Instructor at Thomas More College 1991-1992
Instructor at University of Southwestern Louisiana 1992-1993
Assistant and Associate Professor of Mathematics 好色先生TV 1993-2005
Instructor at Louisiana State University 2005-2006
Instructor at the University of New Orleans 2006-2007
Associate Professor of Mathematics at 好色先生TV 2005-Present
Beaulieu, Palfrey: “The Galois Number” Mathematische Annalen 309, 81-96 (1997)
Palfrey: “Density Theorems for Reciprocity Equivalences” Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 12 (1998), 161-172
Edwards, Palfrey, Pringle, Anderson: “Effects of Chromium Picolinate Supplementation on Body Composition in In-Season Division I Intercollegiate Female Swimmers” Medicina Sportiva Med Sport 16 (3): 99-103, 2012 It was published in September of 2012.
Courses Taught at Xavier University
Math 1010 Principles of Modern Mathematics, Math 1030 Precalculus, Math 1030I Intensive Precalculus, Math 1070 Introductory Calculus , Math 981 (990 Now) Developmental Math (Algebra Review), Math 2080 Calculus III, Math 3040 Numerical Analysis
I brought in the following speakers to give talks to the Mathematics Department and to Math majors:
Dr. Carrie Manore, a postdoc doing research at Tulane University, gave a talk on Dec. 4, 2012 entitled: “Modeling Mosquito-borne Disease Spread with a Case Study on Rift Valley Fever.”
Dr. Robert Perlis, Chair of the Mathematics Department of LSU, gave a talk on Jan. 29, 2013 entitled:” The Ant and the Plant.”
Dr. James (Mac) Hyman a professor at Tulane University, gave a talk on Feb. 20, 2013 entitled: “Paradigm Shifts in Science Based Simulations.”
Dr. Rosalyn Rael, a postdoc doing research at Tulane University, gave a talk on March 19, 2013.
Dr. James Oxley, a professor at LSU gave a talk on April 2, 2013 entitled: “Geometry, Greed, Games, and ‘Roids.”
Dr. Edgar Reyes of Southeastern Louisiana University gave a talk on Oct. 24, 2013
Dr. Veronica Martinez de la Vega gave a talk entitled: “Dendrites and Open Maps” on Feb. 4, 2014
Dr. Alejandro Martinez de la Vega gave a talk entitled: “Topological Surfaces” on April 1, 2014
Dr. Christina Hamlet, a postdoc at Tulane University, gave a talk on March 19, 2015 entitled: “Swimming Lampreys and Foraging Jellyfish: Modelling and Simulation of Marine Organisms.”
Dr. Robert Perlis, Chair of the LSU Math Department, gave a talk entitled: “Conjugates” on March 24, 2015.
Dr. Julie Simons gave a talk entitled: “The Mathematics of Sperm Motility” on April 16, 2015.
Dr. Alexander Hoover, a postdoc at Tulane University, gave a talk on March 31, 2016 entitled: “Pacemakers and Vortex Rings.”
Dr. Rosalyn Rael, a postdoc at Tulane University, gave a talk entitled: “Modeling Movement Networks and Dynamics of Norway Rats in an Urban Landscape” on April 12, 2016.
Dr. Amy Buchmann, a postdoc at Tulane University, gave a talk entitled: “Using Mathematical Models to Study Flagellar Motion” on April 14, 2016.
Dr. Alexander Hoover, a postdoc at Tulane University, gave a talk on March 23, 2017 entitled: “Pump, Flap, Glide: The Role of Flexibility in Swimming and Flying.”
Dr. Rosalyn Rael, a postdoc at Tulane University, gave a talk entitled: “Rats in the City: Using Mathematical models to Study Population Dynamics and Movement of Rodent Pests in New Orleans” on Oct. 24, 2017.
She also gave another talk on March 9, 2017 entitled: “Using Evolutionary Game Theory to Model Beetle Competition and Population Dynamics.”
Dr. John LaGrone, a postdoc at Tulane University gave a talk entitled: “Applications of Complete Radiation Boundary Conditions to Eletromagnetic and Elastic Problems” on March 16, 2017
Dr. Amy Buchmann, a postdoc at Tulane University, gave a talk entitled: “Computational Microswimmers and Ciliary Beating” on Nov. 15, 2016.
Dr. Rosalyn Rael, a postdoc at Tulane University, gave a talk entitled: “The Rat Paths of New Orleans: Data driven network modelling of rodent movement in a post disaster urban landscape” on Oct. 18, 2017.
Dr. Vincent Martinez, a post-doc at Tulane University gave a talk entitled: “ ‘Solving’ Equations: Weak, Strong, and Wild Solutions on Nov. 2, 2017.
English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Latin