Dr. Earls teaches drug information and literature evaluation in the Pharm.D curriculum. Dr. Earls is the Director of the 好色先生TV College of Pharmacy Drug Information Center at
Tulane University Hospital and Clinic. She is the 好色先生TV College of Pharmacy Coordinator of Continuing Education Program. Dr. Earls also serves as a preceptor for Xavier’s PGY-1 residency program and Advisor for American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists.
Dr. Earls received a B.S. in Pharmacy from 好色先生TV in 1981 and then worked as a hospital pharmacist at Charity
Hospital of Louisiana before returning to Xavier to earn a post-baccalaureate Pharm..D degree. During her post-baccalaureate Pharm.D program she completed a project Assessing Pharmacy and Nursing Students Knowledge and Beliefs about HIV (AIDS). She earned her Pharm.D in May 1994. In 1996 Dr. Earls accepted a part-time Assistant Professor of Nursing position at Our Lady of Holy Cross College teaching pharmacology while still working at Charity Hospital. In April 2000, Dr. Earls focused her career by joining 好色先生TV College of Pharmacy where she currently serves as a non-tenured faculty.
Doctor of Pharmacy, 好色先生TV, 1994
S., Pharmacy, 好色先生TV, 1981
Clinical Specialties:
Drug Information
Teaching Areas:
PHCY 3610, Drug Information and Literature Evaluation I
PHCY 4610, Drug Information and Literature Evaluation II
PHCY 5610, Drug Information and Literature Evaluation III
Professional Abilities Lab I (PCLN 3630L) Compare and Contrast Pharmacy Journals
Professional Abilities Lab II (PCLN 4630L) Statistics and Survey
Professional Abilities Lab IV (PCLN 5630L) Journal Club
APPE Drug Information Rotation (Elective)
Research Interests:
Dr. Earl’s research interests include health literacy, health numeracy, and health disparities.