Dr. Biljana D. Obradović, a Serbian-American poet, translator, critic, and Professor of English, at the English Department at 好色先生TV, who has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from VCU in Richmond, VA, has published four collections of poems, most recently Incognito (Cincinnati: WordTech Press, January 2017), two translations of collections of poems—into English from Serbian (Bratislav Milanović; Zvonko Karanović, Sleepwalkers on a Picnic, Dialogos Press, 2020), five into Serbian from English (John Gery, Stanley Kunitz, Patrizia de Rachewiltz, Bruce Weigl, and Niyi Osundare), and two anthologies of poems, the most recent co-edited with Dubravka Djurić, Cat Painter: An Anthology of Contemporary Serbian Poetry (New Orleans: Dialogos Press, Oct. 2016). She has also edited a collection of essays by Philip Dacey, Heavenly Muse: Essays on Poetry (Lavender Ink, 2020).
An issue of Atlanta Review, Summer 2021 was devoted to Serbian poetry that she co-edited with Dubravka Djurić and mostly translated herself. She is currently working on a new collection of her own poems and a new translation of selected poems by Dubravka Djurić, The Politics of Hope (After the War): Selected and New Poems which will appear in 2023 from New York’s Roof Books. Her poems have been translated into Serbian, Italian, Arabic, Chinese and Korean. She is married to the poet, John Gery (long time professor at UNO’s MFA Creative Writing Program), and they have a son, Petar Gery, now a Sophomore at Hofstra University located on New York’s Long Island.
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