Taking as our most fundamental principle the creation of a more just and humane society, the Department of Languages embodies a pluralistic teaching and learning environment by exemplifying our diversity. We infuse our courses with a multicultural, multiethnic content, committing ourselves to counter the inexcusable and all too frequent omission of the African continental and Diaspora presence in the teaching of languages and literatures, while at the same time incorporating a global perspective that prepares students for their professional and personal lives in the third millennium.
Through our own departmental diversity, our varied research interests, and our dedication to a pluralistic and integrated pedagogy, the Department of Languages works to advocate a sound intellectual dialogue, a rigorous and progressive academic formation, and a commitment to stand firm against all forms of injustice and prejudice. We engage in the ongoing enhancement of our curricula and dedicate our efforts to making all our courses encompassing, enriching, and challenging.
To inquire about a placement test in Chinese, please email Professor Ssu-Yu Chang at schang@xula.edu
Placement Policy Spanish 1010, French 1010, and Chinese 1010, and American Sign Language 1010 are for students that have no prior experience studying the language. Students that have studied Spanish, French, Chinese, or American Sign Language previously in elementary or high school should take the placement test. Students will receive three hours placement credit for the course below the course they place into after earning a C or better in the course. For example, if a student is placed into Spanish 2020, after getting a C or better in the course they will also receive a three hour placement credit for Spanish 2010. If you have any questions about the placement policy, please contact an instructor.
FALL 2024:
Foreign Language & Football: The XULA Foreign Language Club (FLC) invites all students to watch a Champions League match, featuring the best soccer teams in Europe. During the game, FLC will share language information from the countries of the teams playing.
Wed., Oct. 2, 2-4pm, XS 219, hosted by the Xavier Foreign Language Club
Taste of the Globe: A cultural food event where students can sample various food items or small treats from countries where the club members are fluent in the language or have cultural ties. Students will learn how to ask for the item in its native language.
Tues., Oct. 15, 5:30-8:30pm, UC 201, hosted by the Xavier Foreign Language Club
Guess the Language: This event will feature food, music, and an activity themed around a foreign language. Students will participate by guessing which language the event is centered on. The correct answer will be revealed at the end.
Tues., Oct. 29, 6-8pm, UC 201, hosted by the Xavier Foreign Language Club
Karaoke around the World: A revamped version of last year’s karaoke event, transforming it into a social party with cultural games and activities. The event will feature a DJ playing music from around the world. Students can sign up to perform karaoke in a foreign language, with a Visa gift card awarded to the best performance. Judges will rank performances based on specific criteria. The event will last no more than 2.5 hours, with two DJ-approved songs between each performance. After the competition, students who didn’t participate can take the stage while the judges decide the winner.
Tues., Nov. 5, 6-8pm, Convocation Annex 111, hosted by the Xavier Foreign Language Club
World of Nations Multicultural Celebration: A multicultural fair where all cultural clubs and interested students can host booths representing specific foreign cultures. Each booth will offer music, food, activities, and a raffle.
Tues., Nov. 19, 5:30-8:30pm, UC 201, hosted by the Xavier Foreign Language Club
Atara Bryan, president of the Xavier Foreign Language Club--abryan1@xula.edu
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Department of Languages