Welcome to the Chemistry Department
We hope that you will find us to be an interesting and dynamic department. We are the second largest department at Xavier with eight different types of major programs including , , , , , , , and .
We have a very research-active department and many of our students earn money by conducting research with our faculty in projects funded by research grants. In addition, we have an award-winning Chemistry Club that participates in community and departmental service activities, seminars, and chemistry experiment demos across the city.
We pride ourselves on our quality of instruction, faculty, undergraduate research, instrumentation, and the accomplishments of our students. If you are interested in a career in chemistry, medicine, pharmacy, drug design, cancer research, environmental chemistry, alternate energy sources, cosmetic chemistry, science education, nanotechnology, engineering, or many other exciting occupations, consider majoring in chemistry at Xavier. Feel free to contact the Chemistry Department Head for more information.
2024 XULA Chemistry Department Awards MICHESS CenterRequirements for All Students Taking Chemistry Courses - To register for any chemistry course, a grade of “C” or better is required in all of the chemistry prerequisite courses. Students will not be allowed to repeat a chemistry course more than once without the approval of the Department Head. A student may take only one course for a third time, and no course may be taken more than three times.
Requirements for All Chemistry Majors - The Department requires a grade of “C” or better in each chemistry course required for a degree with a major in chemistry. Also, majors are required to complete a capstone experience as part of a senior comprehensive exam during their senior year. At least 18 hours of chemistry credits must be earned at Xavier.
Admitting Students Changing Majors/Readmitted Students - A student having a cumulative and chemistry GPA of 2.75 or above will be admitted into the Department by the Department Head. A student having a cumulative or chemistry GPA of 2.0 or below will not be considered for admission into the Department. Any students with GPAs not in the categories listed above will have their records reviewed by the Department’s Academic Advising Committee. Admission into the Department for these students will require a majority vote of the Committee.