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Health & Wellness Fee

Health and Wellness Fee

The University’s mandatory Health & Wellness Fee supports the operations of The Center for Health & Wellness subunits which consist of Counseling, Wellness, Student Health Services and the Office of Disability Services. The Center for Health & Wellness offers Xavier students access to comprehensive medical and mental health services, campus-wide health initiatives, wellness programming and academic accessibility support.

This is not insurance nor does it provide health insurance coverage, students are still required to have health insurance coverage that will cover them here in the New Orleans area for doctor office visits, emergency department and urgent care visits, ancillary providers and prescriptions.

All students who are assessed the Health & Wellness Fee have access to all services and programs under the Center for Health & Wellness. The fee is automatically assessed to undergraduates and P1 – P3 pharmacy students.

Students who are not automatically assessed the Health & Wellness Fee are students enrolled in the Physician Assistant Program, College of Pharmacy (P4 students only), and Graduate Programs. These students will pay a $25.00 per office visit fee at the time of service as well as a nominal fee will be assessed for certain procedures and medical supplies.

Health & Wellness Fee Structure

Fee: $200 per semester

Full-time students = 12hrs or more

Fee: $75.00 per semester

Part-time students = 11hrs or less

Fee: $35.00 per summer session