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Register to get your COVID-19 Test Results

Register to get your COVID-19 Test Results

Thank you for completing your asymptomatic COVID test. Please follow the instructions below once you have received an email message from CareEvolve@lknotification.com, indicating your results are ready

Step ONE: 

  • Click on the link in your email, which will redirect you to the patient registration screen. 
  • You will then enter your “ XULA Email Address and the registration code that was listed above the registration link (example: 66CAD2FB7A)

Step TWO: Once you have entered your email and registration, you will then enter the EXACT SAME information you gave to the COVD-19 testing lab.

  • First and Last Name: Must match legal first and last name.
  • Birthdate: Must match your birthdate on record
  • Gender: Must match legal gender noted in employee/student data (female or male)
  • Language: Select your primary language 
  • Street 1: Enter your current address
  • Zip Code: Enter the zip code
  • City: 
  • State: 
  • Country: USA 
  • Cell Phone: Enter your cell phone, whichever you provided at registration. 

*Once ALL your information is put in, CLICK NEXT

Step THREE: Create your Security questions and answers as well as a password. Note the specific password requirements must be at least 8 characters, and include 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 digit, and 1 special character (@$!%#?&)


  • What primary school did you attend?
  • In what town or city was your first full-time job?
  • In what town or city did you meet your spouse or partner?
  • What is the middle name of your oldest child?

*Once ALL your information is put in, CLICK REGISTER or the BACK BUTTON if you think you missed any information BEFORE registering 

Step FOUR: Re-open your XULA email and find the new message (SECOND EMAIL) from CareEvolve@lknotification.com. Click on the link in your email, which will bring you to the Patient Profile Authorization. 

You will need to ENTER the Confirmation Code you have received in your email and match the CAPTCHA words to authorize your profile.

*Once ALL your information is put in, CLICK AUTHORIZE

Step FIVE: You may now log in to your account using your Xula email and your password. 

*Once ALL your information is put in, CLICK LOGIN

Step SIX: In the results tab, click on the date of your test to view your results. Once you have reviewed your results you can LOGOUT 

Contact Us

Office of Student Health Services

St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center

Building #13, Room 217

Office: 504-520-7396

Fax: 504-520-7962

Mailing Address

1 Drexel Drive
P.O. Box 180
New Orleans, LA 70125

Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 

Friday: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM 

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Closed for Lunch