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Get Involved: Peer Health Educators

Get Involved: Peer Health Educators

What is a Peer Health Educator?

Xavier Universities Peer Health Educators are a diverse group of students who are committed to enhancing their own health and the health of the XULA community. The purpose of the program is to advocate for and promote healthy choices, personal well-being, and community safety. Through leadership, education, and awareness peer educators provide quality, innovative, and inclusive workshops, services, and events to meet the health needs of XULA students.

The Health & Wellness Center recognizes that students often feel most comfortable talking with friends about life issues, the Peer Health Educators receive training on how to help other students. They are not therapists, but act as friends who are knowledgeable about the kinds of emotional issues affecting students and campus resources.

These caring and committed campus leaders team up with the Health and Wellness Center to host and promote holistic wellness year round. Peer Health Educators at Xavier has continued to grow as they continue to host many programs on campus including XU Fitness, Project K.D, HBCU Behavioral Health Awareness Day, Sexual Assault Events, Denim Day, Wellness Events, and Recovery Week.


  • Attend all mandatory trainings and monthly meetings.
  • Volunteer for The Counseling & Wellness Center educational workshops and events (you are expected to help at 50% of campus events/workshops/services sponsored by the center and at least one educational workshop).

Benefits of Being a Peer Health Educator

  • Expanded support system
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Practical work experience
  • Internship opportunities
  • Exposure to the culture of public health and health policy on a college campus
  • Increase knowledge and/or skills in the following:
    • Public Speaking
    • Presentation skills
    • Health knowledge and cultural competency

Get Involved

We are accepting fall applications! Selected candidates will be invited to interview. All incoming Wellness Agents must be able to attend the following training sessions.

Contact Us

Office of Student Health Services

St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center

Building #13, Room 217

Office: 504-520-7396

Fax: 504-520-7962

Mailing Address

1 Drexel Drive
P.O. Box 180
New Orleans, LA 70125

Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 

Friday: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM 

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Closed for Lunch