Patient Rights and Responsibilities
The Student Health Staff is pleased to work with you and to assist you in the maintenance of good health. We are available to advise you on how to stay healthy and to assist you when you are ill or injured. Our joint efforts can be maximized if you understand what your rights are.
- Be treated with respect, consideration and dignity.
- Appropriate privacy.
- Be provided complete information, to the degree known, concerning your diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and prognosis unless medically inadvisable.
- A second medical opinion.
- Refuse medical treatment, except as prohibited by law.
- Give inform consent prior to the start of any procedure and / or treatment.
- Timely access to health care.
- Care that is considerate and respectful of your own values and cultural beliefs and to equal access to treatment regardless of race, national origin, creed, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or religion.
- Have an assistant or chaperone present during certain parts of a physical examination, treatment, or procedure.
- Have your medical records kept confidential, and released only with your written consent unless we are required by law to disclose medical information in response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, summons, etc.
- Review any medical records created and maintained by 好色先生TV Student Health Services regarding your care and treatment.
- File a grievance with the Office of Student Health Services, 1 Drexel Drive – Box 36,
New Orleans, La. 70125, (504)520-7396 if you feel any of these rights have been violated.
Patients’ Responsibilities
Effective health care requires a special relationship between health care provider and patient – a partnership of trust, confidence, and mutual respect for responsibilities. The staff of Student Health Services expects you to share in the responsibility of your health care.
- Follow all rules and regulations of Student Health Services.
- Show courtesy and respect to the health clinic staff and other patients in the clinic.
- Provide accurate information concerning your illness to allow proper evaluation and treatment, including medical history, allergies, and any medications and/or over the counter medicines and dietary supplements you may be on or have taken.
- Ask questions if you do not understand the explanation of your diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, or any instructions given to you.
- Follow the treatment plan prescribed by your provider.
- Refrain from giving medication prescribed for you to others.
- To turn off cell phones or place them on vibrate.
- Be responsible for any charges incurred and billed to you associated with your treatment.
- Notify Student Health Services if it becomes necessary for you to cancel a scheduled appointment.
Contact Us
Office of Student Health Services
St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center
Building #13, Room 217
Office: 504-520-7396
Fax: 504-520-7962
Mailing Address
1 Drexel Drive
P.O. Box 36
New Orleans, LA 70125
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Closed for Lunch