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Chapter 24 - On-Campus Housing Accommodations

On-campus housing accommodations are provided through Residential Education, in collaboration with The Office of Disability Services (ODS). ODS first determines a student’s eligibility for disability related accommodations and the applicability of the accommodation request.  

All students must follow the deadlines established by Residential Education for requesting on-campus housing.  

Determinations for housing accommodations requests can take 2-4 weeks once all steps below have been completed. Responses to requests for future terms may take longer.  

Housing accommodations are granted by ODS for an academic year. Students who are requesting housing accommodations must complete the steps below each academic year.  However, if documentation has already been submitted to ODS that reflects current impacts (Step 4) that documentation will not need to be resubmitted. 

All housing accommodations are provided based on available inventory and prioritized based upon the date the student fully completes the steps for requesting a housing accommodation identified below.   

Following the completion of the steps identified below for requesting housing related accommodations, ODS will e-mail the student who is requesting the housing accommodation, and copy Residential Education, regarding the determination of their housing accommodation request. 

Steps for Requesting Housing Accommodations

  1. Apply for housing through Residential Education at /residential-education/index.html.
  2.  for services with Disability Services (ODS). 
  3. Visit the On-Campus Housing Accommodations page for more information regarding on-campus housing accommodations.
  4. Provide documentation of your disability to ODS. If your existing documentation does not address your housing needs, please have our Residential Education Documentation Request Form filled out by a qualified healthcare professional. Any housing accommodation requests must be specifically addressed and supported by the documentation you provide. 
  5. If you are requesting an Assistance Animal (emotional support animal or ESA) in on-campus housing, you must also provide a completed  Residential Education Documentation Request Form from a qualified professional and a Service/Emotional Support Animal Registration Form

Email ODS at disabilityservices@xula.edu with any questions. 

Please review the Xavier Service and Emotional Support Animal Policy for Students for additional information regarding animals on the Xavier campus. 


  • Upon receipt of a submitted request for a housing accommodation (Step 2 above) the student will receive an email from ODS reminding the student to complete all the steps listed above (Steps 3 through 5).
  • Once all five (5) steps for On-Campus Housing Accommodation Request have been completed, ODS will review and process the request. ODS will inform students of the outcome of their housing accommodation request(s) through e-mail.  
  • Housing accommodations are granted by ODS for an academic year (August – May of each year or the remainder of the current academic year).  


All students wishing to live on-campus during the summer and receive housing accommodations will need to request those accommodations separately from the regular academic year housing accommodation requests. 

If the student has not previously lived in on-campus housing with accommodations or is requesting different housing accommodations than previously approved by ODS, then all of the above-identified steps for requesting a housing accommodation must be followed. 

If a student is requesting the same housing accommodations that were approved for the immediate previous academic year, the student needs only to  for the summer term (Step 2).  


All students living on-campus will receive a reminder from Residential Education regarding the housing application deadline. This is your reminder to request your housing accommodations for the following academic year (if they are choosing to continue to live on-campus). with currently approved housing accommodations through ODS.

Continuously enrolled students who miss the established Residential Education deadlines for requesting on-campus housing will lose their priority selection status. This includes returning students who are registered for services with ODS who are requesting housing accommodations for the following academic year. So, remember it is important to get your forms in as soon as possible.