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Chapter 10 - Accessible Media

Accessible audio/video accommodations provide equal/equivalent access to media content. It includes the following: 

  • Closed-captioning/subtitles for videos: time-synchronized text that reflects the audio track and can be read while watching the video. 
  • Transcripts, which provide verbatim text for audio materials, such as podcasts or taped interviews.  
  • Audio description for videos, which provides information about actions, characters, scene changes, on-screen text, and other visual content which is added during existing pauses in dialogue. 
  • In order to ensure that media is accessible for your classes, ODS will contact your faculty to start retrieving media for captioning, transcribing, and/or describing. 
  • The process of creating accessible media is very time-consuming. Therefore, to ensure video, audio and/or descriptions will be accessible on the first day of the term, please submit your accommodation requests through your ODS online services within 48 hours of registering for classes.     

For questions, students should contact the Office of Disability Services at (504)520-7607 at DisabilityServices@xula.edu.