Alternative Testing
ODS Alternative Testing Services offers proctoring for registered ODS students. ODS can provide alternative testing accommodations for both on-campus and on-line courses. Please see below for more information about student and faculty responsibilities, locations, and hours of operation, and the ODS Testing Center鈥檚 policies and procedures.
ODS Testing Center: St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center, Building #13, Room 202
Please note that ODS main office is located in St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center, Building #13, 聽Room 107.
Hours are subject to change based on space, staff availability, and when the last scheduled exam ends. Check your confirmation email carefully for scheduled time and testing location.
Regular hours: Monday鈥揟hursday 8:30am鈥4:30pm and Friday 8:30am鈥4pm
All exams must be scheduled in advance. ODS cannot approve same-day requests.
ODS is committed to providing reasonable testing accommodations for eligible students. Exam accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis and may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Quiet location
- Extended time
- Room alone
- Wheelchair Access
- Accessible Furniture
- Accessible Format*
- Computer Screen Reader*
- Computer Speech to Text*
- Reader*
- Scribe*
- Spell checker*
- Calculator*
- Memory Aid*
Accessible Formats are exam materials converted into various accessible MS Word documents, PDFs, Braille, etc. to meet a student鈥檚 disability-related needs.
A Computer Screen Reader is software that will provide written or online text in an audio format. Please refer to D2L page that discusses the various features of Brightspace when it comes to accessibility. On the right side of the page, there are links that discuss various features like screen readers, screen magnifiers, etc...
Computer Speech to Text is software that will transcribe a student鈥檚 speech into a text document. The student speaks directly into a microphone to create a text document. The software does not provide the student assistance with grammar, spelling, or punctuation; therefore, the student will be responsible for editing the document as needed.
Readers are live people who will read what is on the printed page. They cannot be asked to interpret, define, explain, or reword questions.
- Student Expectations for Readers:
- Readers can be asked to repeat information
- Readers need feedback from the student to be effective. Students should let the reader know what reading tone, rate, and etc. works best for them.
Scribes will write down verbatim what students have dictated. The scribe is not responsible for organizing or paraphrasing students' words, or for correcting grammar and punctuation. Students may request at any time to review what the scribe has written, either by viewing it themselves or asking the scribe to read it aloud.
Student Expectations for Scribes:
- Students are responsible for directing the scribe for any spelling of specific class-related terminology or punctuation within sentences.
- If there are corrections, the student will direct the scribe to make them.
Students with a specific learning disability which impacts spelling may be eligible to receive a reasonable accommodation for in鈥恈lass assignments and in鈥恈lass exams. Please view the full policy on reasonable accommodations for use of a spell checker, Chapter 7 ODS Student Handbook.
For students who have a learning disability that impacts arithmetic computation, using a simple calculator could be a reasonable accommodation. Please view the full policy on reasonable accommodations for use of a calculator, Chapter 6 ODS Student Handbook.
For students who have documented disabilities that effect memory, using a memory aid/cue sheet may be a reasonable accommodation. Please view the full policy on reasonable accommodations for use of a memory aid, Chapter 13 ODS Student Handbook.
- Request accommodations each term.
- Complete the Using ODS testing Center agreement.
- If an Alternative Testing Agreement is not completed after the beginning of the term and/or more than two business days after submitting the request for accommodations, students are encouraged to email their faculty about completing the agreement. If the agreement is still not filled out, students should notify the ODS coordinator that the agreement has not been completed at least a week before the first scheduled class exam so additional follow up can occur in a timely manner.
- Online faculty do not complete an ODS Testing Agreement.
- When an Alternative Testing Agreement is completed and ODS will be proctoring the exam, the student will use their ODS Online Services to schedule exams.
- Faculty may complete an Alternative Testing Agreement indicating they will proctor the exam at their location or that there are no quizzes or exams for the course. In these instances, students will not be able to schedule exams using their ODS Online Services.
Understanding Types of Testing Agreements
ODS Proctor 鈥 ODS Location: ODS will proctor exams at the ODS Testing Center in St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center, Building #13, Room 202. Student should check their confirmation email for the exam location.
Faculty Proctor 鈥 Faculty Location: Faculty will provide testing accommodations at their own location. Students will not be able to schedule exams through ODS. Students should connect with faculty at least one week prior to the exam for location details.
- Students are encouraged to review the faculty-provided testing locations prior to exams to ensure the location meets their needs.
- Students have the right to take exams at the ODS Testing Center if the testing location provided by faculty does not meet their accommodation needs.
Scheduling Exams with ODS
- ODS-Proctored exam requests must be submitted according to ODS scheduling deadlines and the course identified dates and times in the syllabus. Students should be scheduling and taking exams the same time as their class peers. If there are scheduling issues, please contact the ODS Disability Services Coordinator.
- Flexibility with exam times is ONLY allowed for the following reasons:
- limited testing space (ODS decision)
- exam/class time overlap (confirmed by ODS)
- ODS scheduling conflicts (ODS decision)
- In the event that one of these exceptions apply, exams should be scheduled as close to the group exam time as possible within the amount of time specified by faculty in the testing agreement.
- If a flexible exam time is needed for any reason other than the three outlined above, or if the exam time is outside of the scheduling window indicated in the testing agreement, students are responsible for seeking faculty permission and forwarding it to ODS at
- Students are encouraged to request all quizzes, midterms, and final exams as soon as their faculty have completed the ODS Alternative Testing Agreement. Exam requests must be made at least five (5) business days (not including weekends or holidays) in advance for midterms and quizzes, and ten (10) business days for finals. See Chapter 4 ODS Student Handbook for more information.
- Requests for scribes and readers may necessitate additional time to coordinate.
- Use the 鈥楢dditional Note鈥 section of the exam request form to explain special circumstances or to communicate information to ODS Disability Services Coordinator.
- ODS assigns all testing rooms based on accommodation type and availability of testing space. Requests for certain rooms will be taken into consideration, but ODS cannot guarantee a specific testing location.
- If a student with a 鈥淥DS Proctor 鈥 ODS Location鈥 testing agreement does not submit an exam request to ODS, ODS will presume the student has decided to take the exam with the rest of the class and without accommodations.
Late Exam Requests
Students may submit late exam requests to ODS at
- Requests made 2-4 business days in advance will be approved based on space and staff availability. ODS cannot approve same-day requests. Exams scheduled after 4:00 pm for the following day are considered same-day exam requests.
- Unless the student receives a confirmation email from ODS approving their late request, they should plan on taking the exam with the rest of the class and without accommodations.
- If a student consistently makes late requests, they may be required to attend an academic coaching session with the ODS coordinator.
Modifying an Exam Request
- If a student needs to make a change to an exam request prior to the scheduled exam date (e.g., instructor changes an exam date or student initially entered the wrong time or date of the exam), the student can request a modification of the original exam request by emailing ODS at
- If the exam is rescheduled for a time other than the class exam time and there is no class/exam overlap, or the time is outside the scheduling window indicated in the testing agreement, students must forward faculty鈥檚 written permission to ODS at as well as submitting a request for modification.
If exam requests with ODS need to be canceled for any reason, students are responsible for submitting the cancellation via email at in advance of the scheduled exam.
Reviewing ODS Testing Center Policies and Procedures
Before the Exam
- ODS sends a reminder email to students and faculty two business days prior to each scheduled exam, identifying the time and location of the exam and providing faculty with information about how to provide ODS with a copy of the exam.
- The reminder email should be read carefully, as times and locations may change due to limited space or staff.
Checking in for an Exam
- Students should arrive on time and be prepared to take their exam at the identified time. Additional study time is not allowed, nor is additional time added for students arriving late or for students who do not finish within the allotted time frame.
- A valid photo ID must be presented at the time of testing. If valid photo ID is not presented, a photo of the student will be taken and emailed to the instructor for verification.
- The proctor will review the exam instructions with the student, including time and materials allowed (i.e. note card, calculator).
- Only authorized testing materials are allowed in the testing rooms. All personal items must be stored in designated areas. ODS Testing Center is not responsible for personal property brought into the testing center.
- Prohibited items in the testing room include, but are not limited to:
- Cellular phones, pagers, or other electronic devices that are not medical equipment the student needs with them in the testing room.
- Watches (smart or analog)
- Bags, backpacks, purses
- Hats and jackets may be worn, but if they are removed in the testing room they must be hung on the back of the chair or placed on the floor; they cannot be placed on the desk.
- Clocks, ear plugs, noise-cancelling headphones, and ODS-approved music are available to all students upon request.
During Testing
- Once the exam begins, students are not allowed to leave the testing center for any reason.
- Exam rooms are monitored by staff and equipped with security mirrors.
- Exams will not be administered beyond the scheduled time and deadlines set by the instructor.
- Students are responsible for monitoring their exam time; a clock is available upon request. ODS staff can also give courtesy 15-minute warnings, though these cannot be guaranteed during busy times.
- No additional time is added to exams when students take breaks, use the restroom, or do not receive a courtesy 15-minute warning.
Academic Integrity
The Xavier Student Code of Conduct provisions regarding disruptive behavior and/or academic dishonesty applies to both classroom exams and exams administered at the ODS Testing Center.
ODS has the right to stop an exam at any time if a violation is observed, including use of unauthorized materials or resources during an exam. All violations will be reported to faculty. Violations may also be reported to Xavier Student Conduct and result in a review and modification of accommodation requests.
Violations include but are not limited to:
- Having prohibited items in the testing room
- Going beyond the allotted testing time
- Accessing unauthorized materials during exams
- Giving or receiving help from others
- Failing to follow the direction of ODS Testing staff
Ending an Exam
The proctor will inform the student when their scheduled exam time is up and ask the student to exit the testing room. The proctor will place the completed exam in an ODS testing envelope, seal it, and the student will sign over the seal. The completed exam will be delivered to faculty by ODS for grading.
Late For an Exam
If a student is late for a scheduled exam for any reason, the student forfeits the missed time; no additional time will be granted to make up for the student's late arrival. Proctors will wait up to 20 minutes before determining that the student is a "no show."
No Show
If a student fails to show up for an exam for any reason, the exam will be returned immediately to faculty. Students are responsible for seeking faculty permission to reschedule any missed exams before ODS will consider the request. The student must forward their faculty鈥檚 written permission to ODS at
Illness and Other Reschedule Requests
If students are ill or need to reschedule exams for any other reason, they will need to obtain their faculty鈥檚 written permission, and forward it to ODS at
- Review the Notification of Academic Accommodations email sent for each registered ODS student in a course.
- Use the link in the email to complete an Alternative Testing Agreement within two business days of receiving the notification. The Alternative Testing Agreement identifies who will be proctoring the exam, where the exam will take place, and the necessary exam instructions.
- If an Alternative Testing Agreement is not submitted for an on-campus course, faculty are responsible for providing all of the students鈥 testing accommodations. Do NOT submit a testing agreement for online courses.
- Faculty are not required to submit more than one Alternative Testing Agreement per course section. The Testing Agreement submitted will automatically be applied to all eligible students in that course section and can be copied to multiple courses, sections, or terms at the faculty鈥檚 request.
- Approved testing accommodations also apply to pop quizzes. Contact ODS to partner to provide accommodations for pop quizzes.
- If changes need to be made to a Testing Agreement, contact ODS at disabilityservices@xula.edu聽 or 504-520-7607.
Completing a Testing Agreement
ODS Proctor 鈥 ODS Location: ODS will proctor exams at the ODS Testing Center St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center, Building #13, Room 202.
Faculty Proctor 鈥 Faculty Location: Faculty will provide accommodations at their location.
- Students are encouraged to review the faculty-provided testing locations prior to exams to ensure the facilities meet their testing accommodation needs
- Students have the right to take exams at the ODS Testing Center if the testing location provided by faculty does not meet their eligible accommodation needs.
No Exams or Quizzes 鈥 There are no exams or quizzes in the course.
Providing Exams to ODS
- Students are responsible for submitting exam requests according to the course syllabus and ODS scheduling deadlines. Faculty receive an email two business days before a requested exam date that will include when the student has scheduled to take their exam.
- Contact ODS if the date or time of the exam is incorrect.
- Flexibility with exam times is ONLY allowed for the following reasons:
- limited testing space (ODS decision)
- exam/class time overlap (confirmed by ODS)
- ODS scheduling conflicts (ODS decision)
- In the event that one of these exceptions apply, exams should be scheduled as close to the group exam time as possible within the amount of time specified by faculty in the testing agreement.
- If a flexible exam time is needed for any reason other than the three outlined above, or if the exam time is outside of the scheduling window indicated in the testing agreement, students are responsible for seeking faculty permission and forwarding it to ODS at
- Students are not required to use eligible accommodations. ODS will presume the student has decided to take the exam with the rest of the class and without accommodations.
- Exams can be emailed, dropped off.
- Exams must be received at least 24 hours in advance.
- Alternatively, you may email exams and supplemental materials as attachments to
Changes to Exams
- For typos, last minute announcements about exams, or other changes to exams that need to be communicated in a timely manner, please call the ODS Testing Center at 504-520-7607.
- Send faculty a reminder email two business days before a scheduled exam (student must make an exam request)
- Maintain the confidentiality of all exam materials
- ODS Testing Center staff will do their best to verify students have received faculty permission for exam requests not at the class exam time for reasons other than limited testing space, exam/class time overlap, or ODS scheduling conflicts, or if the scheduled time is outside of the window set in the Alternative Testing Agreement
- Check student ID before proctoring an exam or send faculty a photo of the student to verify their identity if the student did not bring ID with them to the Testing Center
- Ensure no unpermitted materials are in the testing rooms and maintain the exam integrity in the ODS Testing Center environment and during exam delivery and pick-up
- Convey changes or corrections on exam material to students in the ODS Testing Center
- Communicate time violations and possible incidents of academic dishonesty to faculty
- Return completed exams to faculty via the delivery method specified in the Testing Agreement. Exams ending before 3pm will generally be returned the same day before 5pm. Exams ending after 3pm will be returned the following day before 10 am.
- If exams are needed sooner, faculty should contact the ODS Testing Center to arrange pick-up from ODS Testing Center: St. Joseph Academic & Health Resource Center, Building #13, Room 202.