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By requesting this service, you agree that any publications/presentations resulting from the services provided by this core facility will contain an acknowledgment of the Drug Discovery and Delivery Core of RCMI, and that you will notify the director(s) of the core of such publications/presentations. DDD Core for the RCMI Cancer Research Center Program at Xavier University ɫTV, 1 Drexel Drive, New Orleans, LA70125 Core Directors: Dr. Tien Huang ( HYPERLINK "mailto:thuang@xula.edu" thuang@xula.edu), Dr. Tarun Mandal ( HYPERLINK "mailto:tmandal@xula.edu" tmandal@xula.edu) Core Manager: Dr. Levon Bostanian ( HYPERLINK "mailto:lbostani@xula.edu" lbostani@xula.edu Core Research Scientists and their expertise: Dr. Madhusoodanan Mottamal ( HYPERLINK "mailto:mmottama@xula.edu" mmottama@xula.edu), Molecular modeling Dr. Shilong Zheng ( HYPERLINK "mailto:szheng@xula.edu" szheng@xula.edu), Synthesis of NCE Dr. Jiawang Liu ( HYPERLINK "mailto:jliu1@xula.edu" jliu1@xula.edu), Synthesis of NCE Dr. Qiu Zhong ( HYPERLINK "mailto:qzhong@xula.edu" qzhong@xula.edu), In vitro assays and in vivo study Mr. Richard Graves (HYPERLINK "mailto:rgraves@xula.edu"rgraves@xula.edu), Drug delivery formulations To request service, please complete the above request form and e-mail it to the Core Director(s) or Manager. To be completed by core director(s): Type of service/assigned instrument ______________________________ Service is performed by ____________________________ Total hours spent_________________________________ Date of completion: Projected______________ Actual ______________ Type of service/assigned instrument ______________________________ Service is performed by ____________________________ Total hours spent_________________________________ Date of completion: Projected______________ Actual ______________ #+?@A # $ P p q ~ ̺vj[F)hOnha56B*CJ\]aJphhOnhOnB*CJaJphhaB*CJaJphhOnhaCJaJ hOnhaB*CJ\aJph hOnha#hOnha5B*CJ\aJphhOnhaB*CJaJph#hOnhOn5B*CJ\aJphha5B*CJ\aJph#hOnh@e5B*CJ \aJ ph#hOnha5B*CJ \aJ ph?@AmuQkd$$IflJ0>%`'44 lad$7$8$H$Ifgdf{$d7$8$H$a$gdVz$0d7$8$H$]0a$gdr # $ P p JQkd$$IflJ0>%`'44 lad$7$8$H$Ifgdf{Qkd_$$IflJ0>%`'44 lap q J<<d7$8$H$gdVzQkd|$$IflJ0>%`'44 lad$7$8$H$Ifgdf{Qkd$$IflJ0>%`'44 la # | L M N d$7$8$H$Ifgdf{d7$8$H$gdVzdx7$8$H$gdVz>dx7$8$H$]>gd$dx7$8$H$^a$gd  ! 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